My progress


New Member
I just wanted to share the progress that I've made since I cut a few inches off in June. I'm not sure how much it has grown.

I'm usually reaching for the scissors to cut it off around this length, but I really would like to see if I can get to BSL. I have to admit that I did cut a bang which I don't wear. I got scissor happy and had to cut a section off. I think I have a problem :D !
Your hair looks very nice and healthy! Girl, stay away from those scissors! Sometimes people can be their own worst enemies when they get trim-happy. Just baby your ends and resist the urge to trim--you'll retain length :yep:
your hair is beautifull(that's with 2 l's) Your ends look really strong and hair is healthy. I think you will be at brastrap by the end of December.

Good Luck!
Your hair is INCREDIBLE :D Your are such an LHCF junkie! :grin: Leave the scissors alone. I know, I know I just did a big chop to 1/4" natural but it feels great! Send the pics I really want to see. :lachen: Holla
Thanks ladies for all the compliments and incouragement. My goal is BSL by around April 2007. It might be a stretch but I think I can make it.