My progress. I don't see any difference!!

It's definitely much thicker. I'd say thickness and health will come before length. That length WILL come. Don't worry. Your hair looks lovely! :kiss:
It's a little longer, but waaaay thicker than it was b4 and that's good. Sometimes thickness/health comes first and then length. Have you been trimming or dusting alot?
You haven't been on the board that long. Most people's hair gets thicker before it gets longer. The length will come. :yep:
Thanks!! You guys made me feel alot better and dumb, but mostly better:lachen:.

Heehee! Glad you're reassured, Kittenz. It always helps to get someone else's point of view. If you look at your pic close to the curve of your top, you'll see how thick your ends have gotten. Now THAT'S progress! Pretty color, too! As long as you stick to your reggie and keep breathing, the length will come! HHG!
I see a difference it appears much thicker, your top layers have caught up to the bottom layers. Its amazing how we can't always see improvement but others can. Be encouraged its working its getting there.
But it's so pretty and can see the difference in your ends? I can, they are very thick and gorgeous.:grin: Health before length! If that makes you feel any better...