My problems with Shikaki-Cowash


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
If anyone remembers the thread that LongHairDontCare (DenverGirl) put out a few months, I been using it for about 2 weeks and are having some problems with it, can anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong:

I subsituate the Suave Humento with a dominican rinse called "Baba De Caracol", and Keracare Humento. I pre-poo with coconut oil, and co-wash twice with the mix, then I use AO honeysuckle conditioner, and I notice that after I'm done, and detangling, I have so much shedding (it's long pieces of hair) in my comb.

Is there something that I'm doing wrong, if so what should I change, I love the shaiki because it makes my hair feel strong, and my scalp feel cool, and clean, so what should I be doing instead so I can continue to use it?
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I use this also. With mine I use Dove conditioner with shikaki and coconut oil and a few drops of rosemary and peppermint. I follow the recipe exactly. I do not prepoo I use it on dry hair and then I baggie my whole head fot 15 min to an hour and then rinse. If the con in your mix is moisturizing try following it with a protein con to see if that helps with the shedding. HTH
hmmmm....well, let me first say i am sorry that you are experiencing increased shedding...:hug2:

i am not familar with either of the 2 conditioners that you are using, but if they are moisture-rich, i wouldn't pin point them as the culprits.

what else are you using in your hair? any growth aids? new supplements? new products?

you could just be going through your hair's natural shedding phase (i notice increased amounts of shedding when i reach a shedding phase)

honestly, i don't see that you are doint anything "wrong"

my theory is, if you are somehow accelerating your hair's natural growth phase by
* CW more freqently
* using growth aides
* or supplementation

then it would be natural for your hair to reach its shedding phase more quickly.

have you been shedding like this for the whole 2 weeks? are you making sure that it is rinsed well...i always say just when you think you have rinsed enough with this stuff, rinse some more.

let's see if we can work through this...:hug2: