My Phyto Experience...HELP. Please!


New Member
Okay. So I tried Phyto last night. Followed the instructs (plus added olive oil). It was my second time ever self-relaxing...Perhaps :grin: what I did was overkill. I was so worried I was going to burn my hair off (yes, I did so once before over ten years ago). So...I based my scalp in a heavy grease...Then covered that in olive oil...And added olive oil to my Phyto I....Applied, smooth, rinsed...And my hair is exactly like it was before I used Phyto. I mean EXACTLY. Like I NEVER even tried to relax. AT all. *sigh. How long do I have to wait to try again, (sans the grease and double apps of olive oil :blush:)???
I honestly don't know. I would think with all the grease and oil that the relaxer did not take and you may want to wait maybe a week or two. But then I would also think that it's still a chemical and you may want to wait 4-6 weeks before trying again.

Plus, if you ever noticed on relaxer boxes, they alays say never use any hair products (other than the base cream they provide) days prior to relaxing. I guess they say that because the relaxer would not take properly if the hair was coated with products.
Okay. So I tried Phyto last night. Followed the instructs (plus added olive oil). It was my second time ever self-relaxing...Perhaps :grin: what I did was overkill. I was so worried I was going to burn my hair off (yes, I did so once before over ten years ago). So...I based my scalp in a heavy grease...Then covered that in olive oil...And added olive oil to my Phyto I....Applied, smooth, rinsed...And my hair is exactly like it was before I used Phyto. I mean EXACTLY. Like I NEVER even tried to relax. AT all. *sigh. How long do I have to wait to try again, (sans the grease and double apps of olive oil :blush:)???

When I went to the Phyto Institute the Technician advises against using any kind of oils in their relaxer.
I agree that all the oil may have been a bit much. I do coat my hair before going to the salon, but my stylist does not even base my scalp(only around the hairline, behind my ears, and my nape area). I have extremely sensitive scalp that breaks out every so often and I used to burn almost every time I relaxed. Now with Phyto I, I no longer burn (even without basing).
As such things go, Phyto I is a mild relaxer - I think between the oil and grease, there were too many products on your hair and adding oil to the relaxer weakened it even further. Maybe you can use the corm germ oil base and try again? I'm really apprehensive about correcting, but relaxing again with fewer products seems your option.
Sorry to hear that this hapen to you. I used Phyto for the first time 2 weeks ago and IMO it is the best relaxer I have ever used. is not recommended that you add anything to this relaxer. And I am sure this is why you had the experience you had with Phyto. If you choose to use it again....i wouldn't recommend you adding or deleting any of the steps.

Also Phyto did not burn my scalp...and I do have a sensitive scalp. I don't believe greasing the scalp is necessary IMO...I did not grease my scalp at all...I only use that small tube that comes in the box around my hairline, ears, etc...

I hope the next time it will be a wonderful experience for you. I truly believe Phyto is the best relaxer for my hair. HTH :yep:
hi :wave: don't be afraid of phyto... put that relaxer on just as the directions state. i just did mine on friday. i love this stuff. i used index 2 . my hair is the silkiest ever! :drunk:
Okay. So I tried Phyto last night. Followed the instructs (plus added olive oil). It was my second time ever self-relaxing...Perhaps :grin: what I did was overkill. I was so worried I was going to burn my hair off (yes, I did so once before over ten years ago). So...I based my scalp in a heavy grease...Then covered that in olive oil...And added olive oil to my Phyto I....Applied, smooth, rinsed...And my hair is exactly like it was before I used Phyto. I mean EXACTLY. Like I NEVER even tried to relax. AT all. *sigh. How long do I have to wait to try again, (sans the grease and double apps of olive oil :blush:)???

Same thing happened to me and I was 4 months post! I was too scared to try again. I've read that you have to use ALOT of the relaxer on each section.
When I went to the Phyto Institute the Technician advises against using any kind of oils in their relaxer.

When the stylist added oil to the Phyto my hair was very underprocessed. When I did it on my own with just straight Phyto...I had fabulous results.
You used entirely too much oil and grease. The relaxer is pretty mild already.

I've used nothing but phyto since 2005 and never burned (and I have a pretty sensitive scalp!) I have had problems using other relaxers because they burn me like nobody's business. I do not use lye because it cooks my scalp to oblivion.

If you want to base, just base with a very thin oil or light grease. If you're going to add a small amount of oil to the relaxer, then you don't need to base your scalp.

And while it is true that if you want straighter hair you have to use more, you don't have to use a whole lot, but you do have to have adequate coverage (that means if you have a lot of new growth you may use 1 kit)

Also, if you notice, some people leave phyto on a little longer because its just that mild. I used to do 35-40 minutes until I realized if I just used a little more product I would be done by 30.

Typically you would wait 4-6 weeks before doing a corrective. I don't always agree with correctives because they're extremly tricky but you also shouldn't leave them in that long.
