My pet peeve!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
This pet peeve of mine has happened 3 times within the past week with hair products I had ordered; what is it you ask?

Why do sellers send tracking information 3-4 days before the package is due to be mailed out? I think it's all kinds of wrong :perplexed.

I had one send me a note with the following: Here is your tracking number, I forgot to send it when I mailed your package. Then I get a tracking number from paypal showing that the label was just printed and the item was just mailed. I called her on it and got a sob story; wouldn't it have just been easier to tell the truth. I can deal with setbacks etc if you just tell me the truth upfront :yep:, just don't lie to me :nono:.
Yes, I had a vendor do this as well. All the vendor has to do is be honest. Will we be impatient? Maybe, but being deceptive gives me a reason to not patronize this vendor again.

My PP - spilled products! Long story - I ordered some stuff, but my order never moved beyond processing. I emailed the company and was told the items were out of stock. This really confused me because the site clearly showed they were available. I was asked if I wanted to wait a FEW WEEKS for more to come in or get a refund and wait. I opted for the refund. I was told (via email) my order had been cancelled and refunded. (A refund was never issued.) So why did I get emails stating the items had been shipped and delivered within 2 minutes? The company is in NJ and I am in Louisiana. I decided to give them a couple of days before I opened a case with PayPal.

Fast forward to Monday. I am at my parents' home for dinner when UPS rolls up. DS#2 hollers out "Momma, what did you order?" I am scratching my head cuz my other order was coming via Fedex. Well, guess what showed up - the cancelled, refunded products! I opened the box and discovered one of the jars had spilled on the other products. The jars were at the bottom of the box with a couple of inflated baggies and some brown paper on top. Nothing wrapped around them to prevent spillage or to stop them from bouncing against one another. Each jar weighed nearly 2 lbs each. I took pics when I got home, but I didn't bother to contact the vendor. I doubt I will use them ever again..

Sent from my Toshiba Thrive
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I guess this could also fall under pet peeves. I try to support Black companies/sellers, but sometimes "some" can make it very difficult. "Some" don't seem to understand the importance of "good customer service". I don't know if they have the mindset that someone is trying to pull a fast one or what, but "some" seem to have a difficult time in replacing defective or in my case spilled products. I sent a picture of the envelope before opening it, showing that the product had spilled and I asked for replacements. That was on Friday, as of today, I haven't heard anything back, and I'm wondering if I will :ohwell:. The other peeve, is I was charged $7 for shipping when it only cost $2.90 to ship.....:sad:.
I was also peeved when this happened to me recently.
It only causes anxiety/confusion and harbours mistrust (especially when this it your first interaction with the company)

now Oyin sent this update

Hi xxxx,

This is just a note to let you know that your shipping label has been created and your order #1000xxxxx is being assembled by our team! It will ship out within 24-48 hours, and you can use the tracking information to keep track of it while it's on its way. Thanks again for your business!

Now this update is quite clear .... the number I got wont be showing any progress because at the moment its just a number generated for my shipment !!!!
Ladies are we talking HQS im asking cause im interested in purchasing some of her products but it sounds like her CS is rating a 0% right now and I dont want to be another victim. Tia
lamaria211 said:
Ladies are we talking HQS im asking cause im interested in purchasing some of her products but it sounds like her CS is rating a 0% right now and I dont want to be another victim. Tia

Yes, I am in my post. She issued a tracking number that did not function until 2 days later.

Sent from my Toshiba Thrive
Americka said:
Yes, I am in my post. She issued a tracking number that did not function until 2 days later.

Sent from my Toshiba Thrive

Exactly! But mine didn't work till 4 days later!!!
Thats upsetting because her products have gotten great reviews. I think if I order ill order for the year so I dont have to deal with the bs but once
HQ isn't the only seller I'm referring to re shipping labels. I've had it happen with others sellers.

The customer service is with a seller I just ordered from.