
Well-Known Member
So I'm at a BBQ with my chuch family and the topic of music comes up. We were discussing a recent Fred Hammond concert when my pastor brought up the fact that Tye Tribbett's concert sold out 4 months before he even arrived to Canada. When I first saw him on BET I thought "Who the hell is this guy jumping around on the stage like that?!" But I started listening to his music and it's really firey and exciting. My pastor said we have to becareful of the music we listen to and Tye Tribbett's music doesn't glorify God and how he is the devil's child based on his looks and his music. He then went on with the "last days" speech:rolleyes:. I was in disagreement, but didn't argue much. What do you all think? Is it wrong to listen to gospel music with an R&B/Hip Hop vibe? This goes back to my earlier post on gospel celebrities.

The question is, if their music is anointing regardless of other factors, do you still listen to it?
The question is, if their music is anointing regardless of other factors, do you still listen to it?

What was your post on gospel celebrities?

Per your question, what other factors do you have in mind? Either the music is anointed BY THE LORD or it's not....

The devil can "anoint" music, too.... (not saying that Tribbett is anointed by the devil). It was the devil's job in Heaven before he got kicked to the proverbial earthly curb because of his PRIDE and self-absorbed attitude.

The Bible is STILL true: pride goeth before a fall!:look::lachen::ohwell: Wow....

As far as how somebody looks, I don't talk about people's looks like that 'cause for some reason I got it in my head that if I talk about somebody, my babies are gonna come out looking like that so I get that off of me real quick!

As far as dress and all that, again, tradition is something else, ain't it! Every generation has fads and whatnot. Some of these "judgements" about dress codes is very subjective. And at the end of the day: if a person is tuned into the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will check you if your clothing choice isn't wise. And if a person is slightly hard of hearing, the Holy Spirit can use another person to GENTLY...IN LOVE...speak the TRUTH IN LOVE.
What was your post on gospel celebrities?

Search for recent posters under my name :)
Per your question, what other factors do you have in mind? Either the music is anointed BY THE LORD or it's not....

Other factors include whether the singer was a homosexual, whether the music sounds a lot like "the world" etc.

The devil can "anoint" music, too.... (not saying that Tribbett is anointed by the devil). It was the devil's job in Heaven before he got kicked to the proverbial earthly curb because of his PRIDE and self-absorbed attitude.

My Pastor said this too, and I believe it - he uses this as his arguement that some of these artists are anointed by the devil and how in the last days many will be deceived. But I mean damn, is this just an old fashion man talking or is there some truth to it?

The Bible is STILL true: pride goeth before a fall!:look::lachen::ohwell: Wow....

As far as how somebody looks, I don't talk about people's looks like that 'cause for some reason I got it in my head that if I talk about somebody, my babies are gonna come out looking like that so I get that off of me real quick!

As far as dress and all that, again, tradition is something else, ain't it! Every generation has fads and whatnot. Some of these "judgements" about dress codes is very subjective. And at the end of the day: if a person is tuned into the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will check you if your clothing choice isn't wise. And if a person is slightly hard of hearing, the Holy Spirit can use another person to GENTLY...IN LOVE...speak the TRUTH IN LOVE.
*sigh* I've read a lot of material about why Christians should and should not listen to music with a "secular" feel to it. But what I had to understand was that secular doesn't mean sinful all the time.

I've listened to a few of Tye Tribett's songs and Victory was one of my favorite songs for a long time and I can't say whether or not he is being used by God or by the Devil but I can say that his song was uplifting and put a smile on my face. Like I was ready for battle with the enemy as soon as the song was over :lol:. I think God can use people no matter what they're style is or where they are in their walk. As a Christian I have a tiny issue with Mr. Tribbett and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed this about him but that's another thread. Nah I'ma be real and come out and ask. I don't know anything about him but for some reason I think he has a perverse spirit on him. Is he/was he a homosexual or addicted to pornography? I can't shake the feeling about him... :perplexed

My point is that styles are constantly changing and I really don't think that God ever meant for there to only be one "style" of music that is glorifying to Him. I listen to contemporary artists, artists with an R&B feel and some Christian rap outside of traditional gospel. How can you effectively win people out of the world if you can't relate to anything wordly yourself? I think that's the problem a lot of people have with giving their lives to Christ. It's as if everything ends--personal style, taste in music and all fun goes out the window...
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What was your post on gospel celebrities?

Search for recent posters under my name :)
Per your question, what other factors do you have in mind? Either the music is anointed BY THE LORD or it's not....

:look: um... thought it would be quicker for you to pull up since you originated it....but if there's time to spare....:look:

Other factors include whether the singer was a homosexual, whether the music sounds a lot like "the world" etc.

As far as music sounding like "the world", it's been my understanding that music (just like every other good thing) comes from above (the Lord). The Lord originated music. The devil perverted it. I like a beat and I will move to a beat...and I have to catch myself if they lyrics are off or if the beat has some kind of weird seductive thing going on.... You can tell if there's a raunchiness behind the music.... Is the music drawing you closer to the things of the Lord or to the devil is the measure....

My Pastor said this too, and I believe it - he uses this as his arguement that some of these artists are anointed by the devil and how in the last days many will be deceived. But I mean damn, is this just an old fashion man talking or is there some truth to it?

Well er ur ah....:look: I'm neither old nor a man and I'm saying the same thing. And yes, the devil's best skill is to DECEIVE. There's A LOT of deception going on.... That's why we have to be careful of what we allow into our ear and eye gates.

My answers in blue....
I've never heard his music, so I can't speak to that point. I can only offer a :giggle: at all the curse words in this thread. :giggle::spinning:
Oh Lord, I knew it had to be that dread man. I didn't even know him by name but once you started talking about him.
Personally, my spirit doesn't receive him.
I felt the same way until my husband shared some videos of him on youtube that totally changed my opinion of him. Most of his songs were preceeded by ministry with the same theme "God demands holiness".
He seems sincere to me. My only criticism would be that it seems that his approach is "fad-ish".... like there's a bit of a leaning on the world in terms of presentation. But I am critical of much of this commercialized gospel music anyway.... It's as if the world has a jump on gospel music. It's like gospel picks up the fad after the world drops it.... when it should be the other way around.

And don't even get me started on the sampling in gospel music....Even the most clever sample of a secular song made into a gospel song... still...something doesn't seem all quite right to me.
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks :look:

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.
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WOOOOwww...I say a yes to your question. I think anyone can glorify God. And Tye Tribbett, the devil's child??? It funny how people are so quick to throw stones...sad. I don't know what kind of experience your pastor has had with Tye Tribbett, but I was blessed to attend a concert at a youth conference a few weeks ago and that man has the true anointing of God...And I know anointing when i see it. It hurts to see people who dont even try to understand and then bash what the younger generation is trying to do. Tye worships how he knows how, just like the older generation does the same. I say worship is worship And God understands that. I don't think its for us to judge...And no offense was meant to your pastor if it sounds that way. woooahhhh....that got me a lil fired up, but im good now lol. God Bless!
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks :look:

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.

Amen...I couldn't have said it better myself!
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks :look:

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.

ITA! That is why people need to have discerment for themselves because pastors may not have all or the correct answers to things.
He seems sincere to me. My only criticism would be that it seems that his approach is "fad-ish".... like there's a bit of a leaning on the world in terms of presentation. But I am critical of much of this commercialized gospel music anyway.... It's as if the world has a jump on gospel music. It's like gospel picks up the fad after the world drops it.... when it should be the other way around.

And don't even get me started on the sampling in gospel music....Even the most clever sample of a secular song made into a gospel song... still...something doesn't seem all quite right to me.
ITA with the bold. I like ole skool gospel so my thoughts maybe biased. :look:
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.

I agree with you all the way! Unfortunately, there often seems to be a generational/"urban styled" bias when it comes to certain gospel artists. I enjoy Tye Tribbett and think his music has powerful messages. I love that he has a young, funky vibe about him. His music appeals to the youth culture that we have now, and I think there is a new generation of young "urban" Christians who will want to listen to his music and get the message because of his style and delivery.
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks :look:

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.

Girl AMEN - thanks for your reply. I don't know why my pastor has the views he has, he even went on to say that the church is too quick to accept things (i.e. urban gospel etc.) which is true in some cases, but not all. I just started listening to Tye and only have a few of his songs on my ipod and I love him. I love that song "I want it all back" it gets me all fired up, just like my girl Amerikan said - I feel ready to fight! I don't think that's a bad thing.

Someone told me once that not everyone who goes/is in heaven is all calm and tranquel, they have some firey and passionate people as well!
So don't think you have to be like Mother T to get into heaven :rolleyes: I also agree that we should all have discernment for ourselves and not jump on everything the pastors says. We need to think and discern for ourselves. If Tye's spirit doesn't take you, then oh well. Don't listen to him. Personally his music makes me feel passion for God.
This reminds me of an overnight trip I took with my cousin. She started playing her cds and I thought they were some kind of new "secular" groups. I listened closer and a few of the songs mentioned GOD or the LORD. One group sounded just like Jodeci and their song Freek n You; I thought they were going to sing something like Feeling You.

I have to be honest. I didn't like it at all. We might as well had been listening to "secular" music.

A couple of months ago, I was on the way to church and heard a Kirk Franklin song that he "sampled" from a secular group. I couldn't think of the name of the group but I think they were a white group. Well, I was listening to the song and didn't hear the praise because all I could hear was the "sample".

The gospel music industry has turned "secular" in my eyes. People buy it and some of it has more beats than Lil' Wayne. But that's their choice.

Sometimes I hear people singing gospel solos perhaps in a choir who eh-can't sing well. But some of them are probably so genuine. They try to praise and worship the LORD despite not being gifted in song. GOD only knows what music is done for HIS glory and which is strictly for the dollar.

Sadly, I sense a spirit of homosexuality on Tye and Donnie. I hope I am wrong and they are just eh-"effeminate".

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This reminds me of an overnight trip I took with my cousin. She started playing her cds and I thought they were some kind of new "secular" groups. I listened closer and a few of the songs mentioned GOD or the LORD. One group sounded just like Jodeci and their song Freek n You; I thought they were going to sing something like Feeling You.

I have to be honest. I didn't like it at all. We might as well had been listening to "secular" music.

A couple of months ago, I was on the way to church and heard a Kirk Franklin song that he "sampled" from a secular group. I couldn't think of the name of the group but I think they were a white group. Well, I was listening to the song and didn't hear the praise because all I could hear was the "sample".

The gospel music industry has turned "secular" in my eyes. People buy it and some of it has more beats than Lil' Wayne. But that's their choice.

Sometimes I hear people singing gospel solos perhaps in a choir who eh-can't sing well. But some of them are probably so genuine. They try to praise and worship the LORD despite not being gifted in song. GOD only knows what music is done for HIS glory and which is strictly for the dollar.

Sadly, I sense a spirit of homosexuality on Tye and Donnie. I hope I am wrong and they are just eh-"effeminate".


I can't shake that feeling either but I think he struggles with homosexuality or was addicted to porn at some point. :ohwell:
Threads like this really sadden me at times. I love Tye Tribbett and his ministry. Like others have said I think that he is VERY misunderstood because of how he looks. People need to start looking at the heart instead of the outer appearence. These clips will give you and idea of what he is about...

I am going to try to watch the videos. I don't know much about Tye, just what I have observed a couple of times.

Hear me well..........I am not necessarily talking about Tye. This could apply to your preacher, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, etc. Someone told me that when we are judged by JESUS, we aren't going to be able to say that we were "mislead" by a ministry. We will be accountable for OUR actions.

Just a thought. Ok........:grin:
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks :look:

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.
I've never seen him in concert but I feel the same way you do about Tye Tribbett. All I know is his music moves me and has gotten me through some tough times especially in the absolute very beginning of my walk.

I watched both videos. I found the first video, Tye Tribbett Preaching on TBN Part 2, eh-interesting particularly at 3 min 15 sec to 3 min 30 sec.

I'll say this..........none of us are without sin--perfect.

That answered my question...
I guess I separate the messenger from the message. I have no problem with Tye. His music is based on the Word... "Still Have Joy" is a song that inspires me. I don't plan on attending any of his concerts but I like the music.
I am going to try to watch the videos. I don't know much about Tye, just what I have observed a couple of times.

Hear me well..........I am not necessarily talking about Tye. This could apply to your preacher, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, etc. Someone told me that when we are judged by JESUS, we aren't going to be able to say that we were "mislead" by a ministry. We will be accountable for OUR actions.

Just a thought. Ok........:grin:

ITA...we will be accountable for our actions :yep: