My New Love!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So I bought Aura Cherry Almond Bark Conditioner. I tried it out. I shampooed with Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Creamy Aloe Shampoo. Then DCd with the Aura. When I squeezed it into my hand it felt so creamy and I loved the texture of it. My hair was so soft and buttery. When I washed it out there was only a little slip, but my hair didn't tangle much. My hair seems very moisturized. This could be a staple ladies and only $6.00. It also seemed to define the curl in my Ng.
hmmmm i think i've seen this line before, is it sold in sally's???
i might have to try this (like i need anymore products!!)
Yeah I bought it from Sally's. I went like 3 times to look at it and smell it, lol. I've been waiting for my endless supply of products to run out and Wed. I ran out of moisturizing conditioner. I bought it the next day, lol. It's almost time to restock and I can't decide if I want all new products or what.