My new kinky twist

Loves Harmony

Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone! Since Oklahoma is covered in ice and snow i decide to put my hair in kinky twist. It took my 2 days to finish. The reason why is i ran out of hair and everything was close due to the ice storm. I was able to pick up 2 more package of kinky twist hair yesterday.. Im so proud of myself this is my third time doing them.. I will post the last kniky twist compare to the ones i just complete.

The last set of kinky twist.


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Here the ones i just complete:


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You did a great job! I'm snowed in too, but I don't know how to braid...yet. I'm practicing though.

Your glasses are super cute, btw! :yep:
You did a great job! I'm snowed in too, but I don't know how to braid...yet. I'm practicing though.

Your glasses are super cute, btw! :yep:

Thats exactly what i've been doing... I even did my sistersm hair. Im tired of paying $75 to $100 to get my hair done. Plus i do not have to worry about any the braids being to tight around the edges.
Thats exactly what i've been doing... I even did my sistersm hair. Im tired of paying $75 to $100 to get my hair done. Plus i do not have to worry about any the braids being to tight around the edges.

:yep: That is my number one concern...thinning edges. I don't want my edges to suffer, and saving money is always good too. :yep:
How do you plan on caring for your hair while in the twists? Like how often will you wash, DC, moisturize, etc.?

Im going to shampoo every two weeks, follow with a deep conditioner, then spray my hair with royal braid spray/& Infusium 23.

The kinky twist will stay up for 2 months maybe 3. I will redo the edges every 3 weeks.
I just put some in my hair over the weekend too. I am so glad that I did it instead of going to someone. Yours looks really good!