My new GE Bonnet Dryer....(thanks, Sweetcocoa???)


New Member
I finally took Sweetcocoa's advice (I'm pretty sure it was SC) and started bidding on ge bonnet dryers -- it took a while but I finally was able to offer a winning bid /images/graemlins/grin.gif - there's some fierce competition out there! Anywhooo, here's a picture of it! I just paid today, so it's going to be awhile before it comes, I just can't wait!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif I'm looking forward to being able to condition my hair and dry my hair while lounging in my bed on a the sofa! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Can you tell I'm excited??!!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I also followed some people's advice on this board and got one from E-Bay. It's the best. I wrapped my hair and put it on high, I thought my scalp was burning. That sucker gets HOT. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
So, I just put it on medium and that works fine /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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I used to use a GE bonnet dryer. The dryer and hose become
extremely hot on the higher settings. I received a very nasty burn to my forearm once when I fell asleep under the dryer. My arm accidentally touched the dryer flex hose and the metal coils inside scortched my arm /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif

The burn turned red, blistered and left me with an ugly scar that I have to this day /images/graemlins/mad.gif </font color>
Glad you got one. I also use it on medium...the high gets very hot. If I do use it it's only for deep conditioning for about 5 minutes then I switch to medium. I sleep with it on...but it's always on medium or low. I have one the exact same color as yours, plus a mint green and a pink one...but they don't have the loop you can use with a belt to walk around with. I have a Schick(new)soft bonnet I'm gonna post on Ebay. It gets hot enough but I didn't like the bonnet. I have used it for deep conditioning and when I want to dry my hair in the ponytail method...but for rollers the bonnet isn't as good as the one I got with the GE's. Let me know if you have any questions. They have more 'blow' power than the newer they dry faster.
Hi I have a GE also (baby blue) and I love it! Looks like you got one that is in pretty good shape! Let us know how you like it. I love having my hands free and not being restricted to sitting in a chair or up against a table like you have to with the hard bonnet kind. Good luck with it! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Tracy, go to Ebay and take a look. I do a search on both 'hair dryer' and 'hairdryer'...people post it differently... GE doesn't make these anymore so you can only find them in 2nd hand shops or Ebay. But like Tc333 said there is some fierce competition for them. One lady even send me a email once and asked me if I'd be willing to sell one I won. Just be sure to get a good look at the picture to see if it's in good condition...especially the bonnet. If you want I'll help you look and post the links to some I think look like good buys. Also be sure to check out the shipping costs...depending on where it's coming from can get expensive. Although some have one flat rate no matter where it's being shipped to. Send me an email...
Elyse, I am SO sorry that happened to you - how horrible! Thanks for the warning, I will try to be extremely careful!

Yes, Sweetcocoa, I thought it was your suggestion. Guy said it going to be shipped today and I'm definitely hoping for the best. Will keep you posted. Thanks again for the advice!

Add to Sweet C's post:

Make sure to always ask the seller any questions about the item before you bid. You might be bidding on a dryer from the home of a smoker -- the smokey smell might not be wanted especially if you don't smoke. Also, some people want these dryers simply for display in a salon, so while they might look good, they might not be in great working order.

Hey all....see what happens when I get on here messin with y'all? I'm sitting on e-bay trying to bid on this darn dryer, lol. I was doing pretty good until this morning when someone started bidding against me /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I think I've got her for now, lol...I'll let you know if I get it or not!

Re: Auuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Here's a tip. Wait until the last 2 minutes to bid. If you both keep bidding the price keeps going up(which the seller likes of course). Let the other bidder think you decided to quit then at the last moment, bid the most you are willing to bid...or just a higher bid. You'll be surprised how well this works. Alot of times the other bidder will be surprised and by the time they place a bid to outbid you the auction is over. The closer you wait till the finish time the better. Just be careful not to wait too long(like less than 1 minute, cause your PC may hang and you'll miss out).
Re: Auuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

yep! yep! that's how i do it too, sweetcocoa. no bidding wars for me. they just drive up the price and make it cheaper to just go to the mall and get it... /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Ditto to what Sweetcocoa stated...I wait until 1 min before or sometimes even 30 sec to place my bid! I pick what I like and add it to my "watch list" and when it is about to close I make my move. That is really your best chance because if not the price will keep rising and you may never get it. Good Luck! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Eyvonne I had to laugh out loud! I thought I was the only one who did that! You should see my Ebay page. I sometimes feel like a cat ready to pounce! /images/graemlins/grin.gif I even have a co-worker doing this now. And he's been bidding on Ebay long before I have.
Re: Auuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Sure you right, SweetCocoa,

I had to lose out on 3 good bonnets before I decided to try it with the last one and won it.

Only thing though, my "challenger's" maximum bid kept automatically kicking in forcing me to raise my bid. But in the end, I know that waiting for the last hour in the game helped me to win the dryer. { I couldn't wait much longer, cause it was bed-time, and I had to get the little ones to bed and then myself!!!)


(PS, bonnet dryer hasn't come yet, maybe today!!!)
Re: Auuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Ohhhhh....(as I smack myself on the forehead) why didn't I think of that? Good suggestion, I think I'm going to try it! Y'all are some very smart cookies!

Re: Auuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

That dryer sounds great! I didn't know they could get that hot. Hopefully I can get one too. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
But you know what much as we love these driers we have to be careful becuase from what i can remember when I was younger, they stopped making these kind because people were getting burned and I think some of them were exploding. I could be wrong but I remember hearing that before. They are in such demand on e-bay you would hope they would become mainstream again...the few ones they have on the market now (lazy dazy and gold n hot) just do not work like these old school ones do even though they seem similar. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
I put in a bid yesterday for a GE Bonnet Hairdryer (with a naildryer attached) at around 10:00am and I got the highest bid out of 8 bids. The auction was listed to be over at 8:00pm. Well, I put in that <font color="red"> ONE </font color> bid, went about my business, came home at 10:00pm and lo and behold, I got my congratulations e-mail from the seller.

This hairdryer/naildryer is in great condition, the hose and bonnet have no cracks or tears, the elastic is not loose and the case has a handle. It is a pretty pink color and is very clean. I also saw some dirty, beat-up looking dryers that didn't get many bids. I can't wait to get it...I too am tired of being "chained" to the kitchen table.
I agree with you much as I love my dryers...I always them on medium(besides the 'high' setting gets too hot to sit under for me). I've used these for years, I think because I hardly ever use it on high, I've avoided any problems. The high is good for a quick 5-10 minute deep conditioning(it really helps it penetrate and you don't need the usual 1/2 hour session).