My new fotki account


New Member
Alright u guys here are some pics of my hair. My picture trail is running out they want me to pay 4 it. :^P I jsut got these done and decided to show u guys what it looks like at just about a week old. I dont think i'll be gettin ones this big again i think i'll only have these in for a month, plus when i got them done i had rushed out too soon the braiders didnt have enough time to put the mousse on and put the lighter over it to make it look clean and fresh. its still lookin good but cause of that its a tiny bit bushy. I'm bout to wash my hair today so b4 that is done i want yall to c what it looks like. And i couldnt get all of my head cause i just couldnt get the light right on all of my head to show it all good so i help yall can c my hair good enough in these pics. lol
Those are perfect braids!
Did you do them yourself?
They look tight, do they hurt and how long are you going to have them in for?
Very neat looking.
Wow ... you're braids look great. Wish mine were that neat! Will you be adding more pictures soon?

Ballet Bun ...
Thank you all for these comments. Wow. LOL. I live in detroit and get them done by some african braiders. This is my first time gettin cornrows this big. Each day i spray w/s-curl(blue and grey bottle) and sometimes i may put in some s-curl mixed w/water. But thats how i keep it. I washed it yday and my hair didnt get all fuzzy. thank you all. I'll update later.
Btw, i've been using s-curl for over a week now and i have NO BUILDUP. I use both water w/s-curl and the reg. s-curl itself and i dont ahve any buildup. I do have itchies though. :^P but thats when i do it b4 i go to bed. I think imma just use the watered down kind and the other in the morning when my hair isnt tied up.
I am so jealous! They look great! I wish I could cornrow as well as you do. I have destroyed a mannequin trying to learn.
Oh noo. i didnt do these braids some1 else did them. LOL. But today i just learned how to hook the fake hair in2 the head of the persons hair today. I got my old barbie doll and tried it and i hooked it right.