My neck is on fiya but I dont want to stop

Honey I would fall back on the growth aides until my neck is healed
I had a severe allergic reaction before and my skin looked like you like you stated
it was a throbbing pain
Cocoa butter can also aide in the healing process and significantly minimize scarring. About a month and a half ago I had a serious burn on my forearm that blistered. I immediately started applying cocoa butter (the stick) 2x/day. The scar is pretty much non-existent now. I still apply cocoa butter when I think about it (like just now). I believe if I continued with the 2x/day application, the scar would be totally gone.
HoneyLemonDrop, your hair is already long and gorgeous. :rosebud: Even if that were not the case, you still should not use something that's going to make your neck feel like it's on fire. I agree w/ the other ladies in that you should not use Boundless Tresses, anymore. Aloe Vera Gel and Hydrocortisone Cream are excellent to use on rashes. I hope that your skin heals, soon.
You're probably allergic to it. I know I'm allergic to sulphur that's why I haven't tried MTG or BT. I get itchy and get hives. I think you should stop using it and maybe go to the dr so they can see what's going on with your neck.
Mestiza said:
HoneyLemonDrop, your hair is already long and gorgeous. :rosebud: Even if that were not the case, you still should not use something that's going to make your neck feel like it's on fire. I agree w/ the other ladies in that you should not use Boundless Tresses, anymore. Aloe Vera Gel and Hydrocortisone Cream are excellent to use on rashes. I hope that your skin heals, soon.

^^^^^^^^I Agree Please Stop using it!!!
Thanks ladies. This morning I woke up and my neck felt so tight and dry. I put some of my stuff on it and through out the day, the pain and tightness eased up. Then I found some Hydrocortisone Cream, used that and it started feeling even better. So I guess I will stick with that for now until I can get to whole foods for some AV.
Sorry, Honey that u r experiencing burning, etc. from BT. It is a good product that does work, just everyone can't use it because of allergies to sulphur.

I know you will get better and healing will come quickly. Your hair is really pretty, so keep up the regimen you were on before BT and maybe tweek it a little and you will more than likely be on the road to the waistlength you desire.

Nice & Wavy said:
Sorry, Honey that u r experiencing burning, etc. from BT. It is a good product that does work, just everyone can't use it because of allergies to sulphur.

I know you will get better and healing will come quickly. Your hair is really pretty, so keep up the regimen you were on before BT and maybe tweek it a little and you will more than likely be on the road to the waistlength you desire.

Thanks Nice & Wavy :kiss: I believe it is a good product too, I just didn't think that a 4 year MSM user who's basically never been allergic to anything would be experiencing this :lol:...It's all good though. I recently added vegetable protein shakes to my diet, I'm also still in process of tweaking my regimen to gain a healthier scalp and stronger strands.
Sorry to hear about this, I think its very strange that your neck is sore and note your head/scalp...maybe its reacting with your body moisturiser/shower gel etc? Or even your washing powder.
Your hair is gorgeous but I would have to say the same as the other women here and forego the BT...Keep us updated please. Hope it heals well and soon.

HoneyLemonDrop said:
Thanks Nice & Wavy :kiss: I believe it is a good product too, I just didn't think that a 4 year MSM user who's basically never been allergic to anything would be experiencing this :lol:...It's all good though. I recently added vegetable protein shakes to my diet, I'm also still in process of tweaking my regimen to gain a healthier scalp and stronger strands.

If you ordered the BT w/fragrance, do you think it could be a reaction from the Sulphur and fragrance?

You already have really nice hair, I'd stop using the BT immediately.
Well I went overboard and brought 2 bottles because of the hype it was getting. I broke out w/in a week of using on the side of my face:eek: :eek: I get one big pimple and thats right before the time of the month:mad: I can handle that but a cluster of pimples....I went to the doctor and was like what the heck is this??? So if I were you I'd let it go. I think I am going to sell mine I just cant use it at all. Its not worth damaging my face or any other parts of my body. Grab some cortizone from the drug store that should relieve the burning right now. If it doesnt go away please go to you doc