My natural hair braided (pix included)


New Member
I wanted to show y'all how I have been wearing my hair every now and then (when I am tired of my bun). I usually braid my hair and then either put it in a bun or wear it loose. I rinse my hair every morning (with braids in) and put vaseline on the ends at night. This style usually last for two weeks, At any rate...the pix is in the album! is sorta crazy looking (I had it pinned-up and took it down for the pix)

You go girl. Looking GOOD!
Your hair is beautiful. It looks just like mine before I started relaxing it(at 11yrs. old)Does the Vaseline keep your ends moist or do you use it for another reason.
Thanks Ladies! It's not a "going-out" style at all! I wear it just for protection and when I am sick of the bun!

AUNTYBE... I use vaseline to seal my ends. It keeps them nice and moist and PROTECTED.

Your braids look cute! I have more hair in braids right now too and I have the same routine - I still rinse everyday and put a bit of babyoil or conditioner on the ends. I did them kind of big so they are a bit fuzzy and I think I will only get a week out of them - but when I do them smaller I can usually get away with wearing them for almost an entire month.
I like those braids. If you can style it right or so you can wear it out. Maybe braid it up put it up in a ponytail or so. braid the front and put the rest up in2 a pony puff or so. I know of other things to do also. Maybe cornrows. Man! Just wait till i get longer hair. hahahaha. LOL
From lookin at your completely dry hair picture i NOW see what other natural women complain about w/shrinkage. Noow i see what yall mean. If i had my hair lookin that nice in that other pic w/the suave coconut in it to the pic of it fully air dried i'd be mad too :^P
Carefree said:
Your braids look cute! I have more hair in braids right now too and I have the same routine - I still rinse everyday and put a bit of babyoil or conditioner on the ends. I did them kind of big so they are a bit fuzzy and I think I will only get a week out of them - but when I do them smaller I can usually get away with wearing them for almost an entire month.

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Thank you everyone! Carefree...I agree, when I wear bigger braids, I can only get a few days out of them. By the end of the day (with the braids I have now) my hair is sorta fuzzy, but when I rinse then and add conditioner or aloe vera, my braids look brand new again!

keke said:
Ok lee. I have Suave coconut also. How u use that as a leavein. What is your hairtype?

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Well, I am a combination 3 (some a,b and c). There is no special thing that I do with the Sauve. I simply rinse my hair like normal and place a medium amount of conditioner on my hair and comb it thur and then I do a quick rinse. Then while my hair is really wet, I place a larger amount of sauve in, scrunch with my hands and lightly scrunch with a towel and style!

keke said:
From lookin at your completely dry hair picture i NOW see what other natural women complain about w/shrinkage. Noow i see what yall mean. If i had my hair lookin that nice in that other pic w/the suave coconut in it to the pic of it fully air dried i'd be mad too :^P

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My shrinkage is something else!
My hair is beyond bra-strap, but when I wash it and wear it curly, it shrinks to my shoulders! People are amazed when I get my hair pressed!

pebbles said:
I absolutely love your hair, leejure!!

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Thanks Pebbles, that means a lot to me!


Girlfriend, update ur album more often... I luv
checking out ur pics.... ur 1 of my many inspirations

Much luv,
Peachtree said:

Girlfriend, update ur album more often... I luv
checking out ur pics.... ur 1 of my many inspirations

Much luv,

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Thank you so very much Peachtree! That is truly a compliment! Because I only get 3 to 4 inches of growth a month, I rarely see a need to add more pictures (no real change). But I do plan to add some more really soon!

gvsugirl said:
Lookin' good! Now do you apply the vaseline to the ends when it's wet or dry?

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Both. At night, before I take a shower, I oil the last 6 inches of my hair with vaseline and then I rinse and comb my hair out while I am in the shower. Then I braid it and place a scarf on my hair. In the morning, I take the braid out and jump back in the shower (yes, I am one of those people who takes a shower at night and in the morning
) and then I rinse my hair again and then seal my ends with vaseline and place in a bun.

Thank you Supergirl and Adrienne! It is not one of my fave styles, but it offers a "safe" change from my every-day bun!

its nice to have a change from yo everyday style and esp wen its a nicely protectin style!!happy hair growin!!