My Nappy Head Hair Album :)


Well-Known Member
I know I've been lurking and posting and folks have asked a few times where my hair album is - so here it is.

I think I'm a 3C/4A but I'm really not sure.

Before folks ask:
- Yes I do use heat. I have yet to figure out a way to have my hair dry naturally without it turning into a big ball - so I blow dry. I know some sisters "shingle" and use various curly puddings. If any of you have any information to share on the type of curl activators and "shingle" methods, I'd love to know them. But as of late, I blow dry FAITHFULLY weekly. And I have still experienced growth.

- I've limited the products that I use to Formula's by Ecoly (for shampoos, conditioners, setting lotion, gel and leave-in), Elasta QP (for moisturizers), Jojoba Oil and Aphogee's Green Tea Reconstructor (for when I'm blowdrying).

- Yes I have learned lots from the ladies of LHCF. Thanks to everyone - all those who have answered my questions and provided some insight and said "uh uh girl, don't use that mess on your head". :)

Take a look.
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Thanks. Transitioning was a scary thing for me - considering I've had a perm (relaxer) in my head since I was about 6. When I saw curls coming through I was like "who's hair is this".

But I'm slowly getting used to it. Now if only I can figure out or learn a way to where my hair curly - wash and go. :)
Your hair is so thick and healthy!!! It's beautiful!!!! Yeah that was agood decision to go natural b/c your hair is just lovely!!!!
You do a really good blow out...I've only done one once and I can't get my hair that straight. Thanks for sharing ur pics :)
You hair is beautiful. Have you tried the Curling Custard from All you have to do is smooth a little (a little goes a long way) through-out your freshly washed/conditioned hair, with your hands or a wide-tooth comb and go. Now, you will get some shrinkage, but not as much and it will not frizz up nearly as much. I love your hair curly and blow-dried but the curly hair, girl, I would hurt somebody for that hair:lol:! I bet it would look really cute in a puff as well. I know I got my nerve styling your hair and such but it's just so pretty:D.
Curling Custard? :::checking as we speak::: I've actually thought about going out to New York and making an appointment at Miss Jessie's to see how they "shingle".

I will take a look.

Personally, I don't mind the shrinkage (sometimes it's kinda nice to have hair off the shoulders, especially during the summer) - it's just I want something to define the curl and reduce the frizzies.

I ordered a cermaic diffuser (that I don't know how to use). I'll let the ladies know how it goes after I give it a whirl.

As for the blowout - I tried using all kinds of products. The best product I found was KMS' Flat Out Relaxing Balm (the one for thick/coarse) hair. It made my hair noticeably straighter, but also weighed my hair done. A little sticky. I've found the best thing for a blow out is the Aphogee Green Tea Reconstructor. Granted - this is not for a bone-straigth Domincan Style blowout - but just drying the hair.
Your hair looks really thick and pretty. I bet braidouts would look nice on you. Just use regular conditioner as a leave in and make about 14 plaits. This could give you a smoother, wavier look without having to blowdry.
Oh wow! :eek: Your hair is beautiful. I don't hand out many compliments on hair albums... ( I only say something nice or keep my mouth shut :lol: ) But I have to give it to you, your hair is very pretty! Keep up the good work. I'd love to see your hair thick and bouncy and long... it reminds me of that beautiful thick hair of "Rudy's" (Cosby show) when she was a little girl.
Girl, I want your hair. It is so thick and pretty. I can't get my hair to lay like that. I use IC fantasia or scurl to keep my coils.
Braidouts? Can I do regular box braids (plaits)? Because :::whispers::: I don't know how to cornrow my own hair - and last time I tried - it looked more like a knot than a cornrow.
How do you use your S-Curl? I heard some ladies talking about it on the boards, so like a typical PJ I ran out and bought some. But I'm not sure when to apply it to my hair - right after I get out the shower instead of a leave-in? Do I need to do anything to help "activate" or "maintain the curl"?
Ladies - thanks for all the compliments. Like most of the folks on here, I have to give it to LHCF (damn, I'm sounding like an infomercial). Seriously, though - before I was ruining my hair and still unhappy with it. Going natural was a pain in my behind at first cuz I didn't know what to do with my head (I rocked braids and buns faithfully for close to 6 months). Lurking on these boards helped me figure some things out. I'm still learning - obviously (I had a split end disaster about 2 weeks ago and had to trim). But I'll keep ya'll posted.
MsNadi said:
Braidouts? Can I do regular box braids (plaits)? Because :::whispers::: I don't know how to cornrow my own hair - and last time I tried - it looked more like a knot than a cornrow.

Girl, yes you can do box braids (whispers, lol I can't cornrow either:lol: :look: ). When my hair was longer I would roll the box braids at night with small magnetic rollers or perm rods, you could probably rock a beautiful braid-out. You should take a look at Kristina's fotki, she does really nice box braids and braid-outs.

Also, just spritz your hair with the s-curl for added moisture, it won't make your hair curlier but it will help keep it soft and moist if that's what you want. You can still use your leave in and then spritz with the s-curl.
MsNadi said:
How do you use your S-Curl? I heard some ladies talking about it on the boards, so like a typical PJ I ran out and bought some. But I'm not sure when to apply it to my hair - right after I get out the shower instead of a leave-in? Do I need to do anything to help "activate" or "maintain the curl"?

I always use a leave in conditioner. I let my hair stay pretty wet and add my products. I top off with S-curl wave pomade not the activator or IC fantasia gel. It just helps to set the curls and keep my hair looking the same way it does when wet.
Beautiful texture :love:

As far as more curl definition, use some curl activator gel. Apply it in sections, mostly concentrating on your ends. I have used and liked S-Curl wave activator gel (blue), Smooth and Shine activator gel, and proclaim curl activator gel (sally's brand).

I also use wet and wavy liquid sculpting gel from time to time. I apply it over leave in (in sections).
My my my your hair is beautiful. It has a youthfulness to it, I can't explain it. Thick and beautiful. Can I have it? Please?
i agree with the other ladies. absolutely beautiful hair! I like how it's all one length and so lush and thick! Thanks for sharing!!!

Who is Kristina? Do you have the link to her journal (if she doesn't mind)?

Cuz us non-cornrowin' sisters need some help. :)
And I just checked yours...I LOVE your natural texture. Goodness - if only my head would cooperate to actually have some definition when wet as opposed to lookin like a mop that needs to be rung out. :lol:

Thanks for the compliments!