My Mother


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

I am just writing this thread because I need an outlet and to request that you all pray for my mother.

Tomorrow, she will be meeting with a D.A. to go over her testimony. A year ago she was raped and robbed by gunpoint by an ex-boyfriend who violated a restraining order. The trial starts on Thursday.

In addition to that she is also picking up my brother who she sent to live with his father because he was unreachable...he didnt fare well with his father, in fact he got worse. For example, she arrived today and he was hounding her to buy him DVD's and Video games disregarding the main reason that my mother is in town (which is to go to court).

Again, please pray for my mother. I have an uneasy feeling about the trial, mainly her ability to stay strong and that something may happen to her. (I am a huge worrier and always fear the worse).

Thank you all.
I'm so sorry that your mom have to go through this. But you are doing the right thing by standing by her and staying strong for her. She is going to need your strength right now throughout the trial and after. Just keep your eyes and ears open because I have read so many times how things can get ugly even in the courthouse. Make sure you take another person or two with you to guard her if you can. The more people whose with her the more that she will feel safe.

As for your brother I think it's selfish that he's asking for DVDs while your mother is going through this.:mad: I hope you put him in check but I'm going to leave that up to you.

Let us know how it went and whatever you do try to make her feel safe. It wouldn't hurt to take her somewhere like out of town or just to get away for a couple of nights to get her mind of of things.

I can imagine who it's going to be in the court during the trial.

Honey6928215 said:
I'm so sorry that your mom have to go through this. But you are doing the right thing by standing by her and staying strong for her. She is going to need your strength right now throughout the trial and after. Just keep your eyes and ears open because I have read so many times how things can get ugly even in the courthouse. Make sure you take another person or two with you to guard her if you can. The more people whose with her the more that she will feel safe.

As for your brother I think it's selfish that he's asking for DVDs while your mother is going through this.:mad: I hope you put him in check but I'm going to leave that up to you.

Let us know how it went and whatever you do try to make her feel safe. It wouldn't hurt to take her somewhere like out of town or just to get away for a couple of nights to get her mind of of things.

I can imagine who it's going to be in the court during the trial.

Unfortunately I am not able to go with her. My brothers father is going. She said the D.A. advised her to take a cab there tomorrow and on the trial day and they will be there to escort her.
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Oh my, this is horrible. I pray that God will not only heal her from any emotional or psychological issues this may have caused but see to it that justice is served. You all are in my prayers.
wow sorry to hear about your mom praying that god hold and walk with her in her time of need:)
Update: I WILL be able to drive up to go with her. She's meeting with the D.A. this morning to go over her testimony. She will let me know what day her testimony is (either tomorrow of friday) so that I can be there.

Thanks everyone.
Lboogie said:
Update: I WILL be able to drive up to go with her. She's meeting with the D.A. this morning to go over her testimony. She will let me know what day her testimony is (either tomorrow of friday) so that I can be there.

Thanks everyone.

Very good, keep us updated!
Lboogie said:
Update: I WILL be able to drive up to go with her. She's meeting with the D.A. this morning to go over her testimony. She will let me know what day her testimony is (either tomorrow of friday) so that I can be there.

Thanks everyone.

I'm glad to hear that. She needs all the support she can get. Let us knw what happens and how much time that fool is put in jail.
I'll be praying for your mother and everyone else. God is yet God!

and I pray that the peace of God will keep you.
You have my prayers and heart in this. I know how painful rape can be as my ex-husband (when we were separated) broke into my home and attacked me. It was a bigger horror because the policeman said that a husband cannot 'rape' his wife.

Anyway, God has healed and delivered me from that and the same he will do for your mother. For you see, God is the judge...the Righteous Judge and no other man, woman, judgement of man, no lie of any man, no attorney for the defense of the offender, can over rule God's judgement.

In Jesus' name, I proclaim the word of the Lord to prevail. And I love this word from Job 5. "Your mother shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue....and iniquity stops (shuts) her mouth."

When the defense attorney tries to challenge your mother's testimony, Jesus is right there (even now), asking your mom, 'Where are your accusers?"

No one can blame or shame your mother. She is the victor and the righteous overcomer in this; for if God be for her, who dare be against her? With God on her side, how can she be denied (righteousness) a fair outcome. For every tongue that should rise against your mother's testimony in judgment, shall be condemned.

Please don't get me started with the word of the Lord. I will cut the devil up one side and down the other and think nothing of it.

Tell your mom, to speak up and don't dare be afraid to speak the truth. God told Jeremiah, "Be not afraid of their faces (speak what I tell you to speak).

For who shall be against those who love the Lord? God protects those who love Him. I Peter 3:13... "Who is he who will harm thee, because you choose to seek that which is good?"

See, I can tell you that I'm praying for you, but it's nothing like telling you what the prayer is...

Nothing but the word of God that 'fits' the situation. And that's all it is...a situation. And Jesus has it all under His control.

Somebody praise Him. Give Him glory and just praise Him. Jesus is Lord!! and there isn't a thing that the devil can do about it.
Shimmie said:
You have my prayers and heart in this. I know how painful rape can be as my ex-husband (when we were separated) broke into my home and attacked me. It was a bigger horror because the policeman said that a husband cannot 'rape' his wife.

Anyway, God has healed and delivered me from that and the same he will do for your mother. For you see, God is the judge...the Righteous Judge and no other man, woman, judgement of man, no lie of any man, no attorney for the defense of the offender, can over rule God's judgement.

In Jesus' name, I proclaim the word of the Lord to prevail. And I love this word from Job 5. "Your mother shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue....and iniquity stops (shuts) her mouth."

When the defense attorney tries to challenge your mother's testimony, Jesus is right there (even now), asking your mom, 'Where are your accusers?"

No one can blame or shame your mother. She is the victor and the righteous overcomer in this; for if God be for her, who dare be against her? With God on her side, how can she be denied (righteousness) a fair outcome. For every tongue that should rise against your mother's testimony in judgment, shall be condemned.

Please don't get me started with the word of the Lord. I will cut the devil up one side and down the other and think nothing of it.

Tell your mom, to speak up and don't dare be afraid to speak the truth. God told Jeremiah, "Be not afraid of their faces (speak what I tell you to speak).

For who shall be against those who love the Lord? God protects those who love Him. I Peter 3:13... "Who is he who will harm thee, because you choose to seek that which is good?"

See, I can tell you that I'm praying for you, but it's nothing like telling you what the prayer is...

Nothing but the word of God that 'fits' the situation. And that's all it is...a situation. And Jesus has it all under His control.

Somebody praise Him. Give Him glory and just praise Him. Jesus is Lord!! and there isn't a thing that the devil can do about it.

I prayed for you all this morning, believing God's best will come out of this situation.
Victory is hers! God has promised in His word that He will honor all those who love Him. She will rise from this, she has risen from it, and I praise God for that. Pls tell her to keep her faith strong, pls remind her why she needs to keep her faith strong.
Lboogie said:
Hello Ladies,

I am just writing this thread because I need an outlet and to request that you all pray for my mother.

Tomorrow, she will be meeting with a D.A. to go over her testimony. A year ago she was raped and robbed by gunpoint by an ex-boyfriend who violated a restraining order. The trial starts on Thursday.

In addition to that she is also picking up my brother who she sent to live with his father because he was unreachable...he didnt fare well with his father, in fact he got worse. For example, she arrived today and he was hounding her to buy him DVD's and Video games disregarding the main reason that my mother is in town (which is to go to court).

Again, please pray for my mother. I have an uneasy feeling about the trial, mainly her ability to stay strong and that something may happen to her. (I am a huge worrier and always fear the worse).

Thank you all.
Please don't worry, God needs you to trust him. I know God will keep your mother and give her the strength in this situation. Praying even now in Jesus name. AMEN!!