Hey all,

I need help...pretty please.

How do you all handle your MIL who has done and said mean and spiteful things to you? It's not just me, she cannot stand any of her DIL, except for one who agrees with anything she says and does.

May is one of the months I now dread. There's Mother Day, MIL birthday and Memorial Day. I literally start feeling ill as these certain days approach.

Even my DH hates to go around her. But, because of her age, he visits her cause she lives alone.

Because we have to visit her on every holiday, I start getting anxiety attacks. If for some reason we tell her that we cannot be with her, she begins to complain that this may be the last time that we will see her cause the next holiday, she could be dead. She then proceeds to bad mouth us to the other relatives or anyone that will listen.:perplexed Of course, when she says this, my DH is like :( .

I know it sounds small, but HELPFUL advise is needed.
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First and foremost I suggest you pray about it and then let your husband know your feelings. Maybe spend less time with her and do more as a family on holidays and such. Believe I know the feeling of being forced to be around someone that makes you ill, but I have given them too much dominion over my body. Don't listen to her talk about people, change the subject, pray for God to renew a fresh and clean spirit in her, etc. Sorry that I couldn't be of more help and I pray that my MIL is not like this....
