my mother BC'ed!


New Member
just today, my mother arrived home with about an inch and a half of hair! her hair was maybe just past her shoulders, but it was beginning to thin. she was telling me how her hair stylist (more about her) said something like, "it looks better already. you should just start over fresh." my mother was telling me about it and i was thinking if she knew just how big of a step she took. it made me think of this forum of course! :scratchch

i really want to help my mother grow strong and healthy hair (we're not necessarily concerned about length) but sometimes i find it a little hard to talk to her because i'm a novice at all this healthy hair stuff myself. it'll be hard, trying to find what works best for the both of us, but i look forward to learning. i wish i could tell her all about this site, but she can barely turn on the computer without calling for help, much less open a browser and log into a website. :grin: so, i think to help both of us along, i'll buy a notebook and divide it into sections and then take hard notes from what i learn from all of you. =]

as for my mother's stylist... now i can see why my poor mother's temples are so badly damaged and why her hair is thinning! just Saturday, i had my hair curled by her for prom (my usual stylist was on a business trip). whenever she sprayed something on my hair, all i could smell was alcohol and i must've looked close to tears! then, she slaps so much gel in my hair (which i am not used to - i don't like many gels, if any). now, my hair is matted and hard and just feels terrible. :cry3:i can't wait to wash the stuff out, but my mother says i have to wear the style just so she can get her money's worth. hooray. :ohwell:
would it be out of place for me to suggest finding a new stylist? neither of us like chair hopping, but i don't think her hair can take much more of this!
Congratulations to your mom on the BC. I suggest that you talk to your mom about the stylist. Just tell her the same thing you told us about her styling practices. I don't think you're out of line for suggesting another stylist. If she decides not to switch stylists, then atleast you will feel better knowing that you told her something that was beneficial.
thanks a lot, ladies. =]

i brought it up casually earlier and at least she was open to hearing what i had to say! (which isn't often). she agreed with everything i said, shockingly! i began to mention that maybe she could keep her stylist, since i think they like each other on a friendly level, and maybe bring in her own products? so, now, i just have to get her on the up and up about the evils of commercial products.

maybe she'll even use some of my kitchen concoctions, if i talk to her about it. :scratchch maybe then she'll let me use that expensive olive oil she's been hiding, if she doesn't use it herself.
i know how you feel, girl. my mother is too active to give her hair the attention it needs, so i'm hoping she keeps it short. it may encourage her to begin really taking care of her hair, if she thinks that since it's shorter, it'll be easier. that may not be true, but at least it'll get her started down the right path!
i know how you feel, girl. my mother is too active to give her hair the attention it needs, so i'm hoping she keeps it short. it may encourage her to begin really taking care of her hair, if she thinks that since it's shorter, it'll be easier. that may not be true, but at least it'll get her started down the right path!

as long as she wets it often or daily, she should be fine!!