My mom needs help with her hair

The Savvy Sistah

New Member
My mom is over 50 and she is experiencing alot of problems with her hair.

It's dry, thin at the crown and chemically damaged.

I've been giving her things to do, but she said maybe the ladies on the forum can help too. (I talk about you ladies like you're my second family):)

She said once you get over 50 things change in your body. And she's also on blood pressure medicine.

Can you all help her.

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Have you thought of giving her a protein treatment? Her hair definitely needs some moisture also.
My mother had started having some issues too. She is 50.

She swears my EFA's right now and takes flax oil supplements and such. That helped with the shedding. I do her hair and I can tell such a difference in the shedding at wash times. It just to be the EFA's.

Also, my mom does 6 month braid regimens to help. 6 months on braid - 6 months break.

That has helped her as well.
my moms hair needed help too:lol: I wash her once a week with Aveda DR and set her in magnectic rollers. She wears it in a bun or pony all week. Those two things have helped her hair flourish.