My mom is critical.. Prayers appreciated


New Member
My mom is critical.. Prayers appreciated UPDATED

Hi Ladies,

I am mostly a lurker in this section, constantly working on strengthing my faith. However, I feel like I can come to you publically and ask you guys for prayers..

My mom suffered several strokes early Tuesday morning, They are sure it is stress related as well as her High Blood Pressure... There outlook is very dismal. However, I believe in a God who I know is capable of miracles and I am praying for that...

I ask if you have time for a quick prayer for my mom and my family. It is just my little brother and I. I am trying to be strong for him because to top it all off. My dad was found barely breathing this morning.. They think it was on purpose with the stress of my mom and him thinking he should go first and doesnt want to be a burden, My mom is basically his full time care giver after he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer..

My mom turned 48 today and I keep thinking she is to young and has so much life ahead of her..

We as women really need to take care of ourselves.... I have prayed silently several times as a result of this board... I wish I would have jumped in sooner.. knowing that my christian walk is in the early stages, knowing that fellowship is what I need. But I know I can lean God and prayer.. So I ask ladies if you could. I would be forever Grateful.

I am praying for a miracle.. Thank you ladies for your time
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I pray God placed his healing hands on your mother and gives ur family the strength to pull thru this crisis.
I just prayed for you, your mom, your dad, and your little brother!

God has his arms wrapped around you and your family.

He already knows the outcome and trust that he will take care of you all.

God's will is the way and I will continue to pray for you and your entire family!

Have faith and keep praying without ceasing!
I said a prayer for all of you and I will continue to keep your mom and dad in my prayers.

I believe she will be fine.:yep: Jesus is a healer.
Father God in the name of Jesus, I ask that you would look upon this family thru the blood of Jesus with eyes of compassion. FG I pray that you would send forth your healing to every organ, every cell, every thing in thier entire being. Lord dispatch strong and might ministering angels Lord to minister healing unto Andrea's parents. Lord I pray that your hand would be upon this family with them and for them. O God move by your spirit, breath life into them. Lord I ask that you would release a special anointing on each an every staff member assigned to care for them that they would know and do what needs to be done for them. Lord stir up their faith. FG I ask that you would give them peace that passes all understanding, comfort them Lord and strengthen them. For with you God NO thang is impossible. I call them healed, restored, and completely recovered in Jesus name. Praise your Holy Name. I give you the honor and the Glory, amen and amen.

Worship God! Worship! Victory is in your worship.
I'm standing in a agreement with you for your moms healing.

I'm also praying that God will continue to give you and your family the strength to stand.

Be Blessed!
Andrea, God always sends us angels even when we're not aware of it. Keep the faith because the angels are already surrounding you and your family.
I said a prayer for your mother, father and your entire family. It's all in His hands.
Ladies, Let me just tell you that you guys are amazing.. Being from a small family, my mom an only child. So it is only my mom, dad, myself and my younger brother in Las Vegas.. You guys have made me so overjoyed to see your support..

I know that Prayer is always the answer and that if asked you ladies would come through.. I am so proud to be apart of this LHCF family. Now and always..

I wanted to provide a little update.. Today is day 7 and my mom opened her eyes today.. She is not able to move at all but her eyes are open and that hasnt happened at all until today.. She has quite a bit of swelling and bleeds in her brain but we are optimistic, well let me say we have faith that she can pull through this..My dad came home yesterday. I am working on finding a nurse for him to help him out. For now, I am here and my brother is coming over alot...

They did another scan today but it is pretty much unchanged. So, its not better but its not worse.. So, I suppose its a waiting game.

My parents have been married for 25 years and I have never seen my step dad break down like he has since this has happened to my mom.. It's bone chilling at times to see this Grown man cry..

Anyway, I wanted to post an update to let you ladies know that your prayers are working and I am so indebted to all of you.. Thank you ladies again. I will be back..
Ladies, Let me just tell you that you guys are amazing.. Being from a small family, my mom an only child. So it is only my mom, dad, myself and my younger brother in Las Vegas.. You guys have made me so overjoyed to see your support..

I know that Prayer is always the answer and that if asked you ladies would come through.. I am so proud to be apart of this LHCF family. Now and always..

I wanted to provide a little update.. Today is day 7 and my mom opened her eyes today.. She is not able to move at all but her eyes are open and that hasnt happened at all until today.. She has quite a bit of swelling and bleeds in her brain but we are optimistic, well let me say we have faith that she can pull through this..My dad came home yesterday. I am working on finding a nurse for him to help him out. For now, I am here and my brother is coming over alot...

They did another scan today but it is pretty much unchanged. So, its not better but its not worse.. So, I suppose its a waiting game.

My parents have been married for 25 years and I have never seen my step dad break down like he has since this has happened to my mom.. It's bone chilling at times to see this Grown man cry..

Anyway, I wanted to post an update to let you ladies know that your prayers are working and I am so indebted to all of you.. Thank you ladies again. I will be back..

I am SO glad that things are working out!
I wanted to provide a little update.. Today is day 7 and my mom opened her eyes today.. She is not able to move at all but her eyes are open and that hasnt happened at all until today.. She has quite a bit of swelling and bleeds in her brain but we are optimistic, well let me say we have faith that she can pull through this..My dad came home yesterday. I am working on finding a nurse for him to help him out. For now, I am here and my brother is coming over alot...

I am yet praying and God is still working! I am so grateful and stand in agreement with all of the other ladies on here who have petitioned God on behalf of your family :yep:
Andrea, stand firm and be encouraged in knowing that God can turn any situation around. I've been in your shoes and dealing with a waiting game with my son who was in ICU for almost a month. It was touch and go alot of times but all you need is the faith the size of a mustard seed and tell that mountain to move and it shall be moved.

I'm in agreement with you and all the ladies here who claim and receive total healing and restoration with your mother. I focused alot on Isaiah 53 during my son's recovery and I will meditate on this scripture for your mom, too. All is well!!
Ladies, Let me just tell you that you guys are amazing.. Being from a small family, my mom an only child. So it is only my mom, dad, myself and my younger brother in Las Vegas.. You guys have made me so overjoyed to see your support..

I know that Prayer is always the answer and that if asked you ladies would come through.. I am so proud to be apart of this LHCF family. Now and always..

I wanted to provide a little update.. Today is day 7 and my mom opened her eyes today.. She is not able to move at all but her eyes are open and that hasnt happened at all until today.. She has quite a bit of swelling and bleeds in her brain but we are optimistic, well let me say we have faith that she can pull through this..My dad came home yesterday. I am working on finding a nurse for him to help him out. For now, I am here and my brother is coming over alot...

They did another scan today but it is pretty much unchanged. So, its not better but its not worse.. So, I suppose its a waiting game.

My parents have been married for 25 years and I have never seen my step dad break down like he has since this has happened to my mom.. It's bone chilling at times to see this Grown man cry..

Anyway, I wanted to post an update to let you ladies know that your prayers are working and I am so indebted to all of you.. Thank you ladies again. I will be back..

Hold on Andrea, the change is coming. Don't give up. I'm still praying for all of you.