My Moisture Shampoo!!!

Lucky's Mom

New Member
Hey Ladies!
So - I thought I would share that today - I ususally have to make all my products for my reggie ( shampoo, leave in, condish, etc....)

And today - I took a short cut....Maybe it will work for some of you!

Here is what you need: ( well, this is what I used)

2 oz Trader Joe's NourshSpa Conditioner

6 oz of distilled water

1 oz jojoba oil
2 oz coconut oil
2 oz castile soap

I used the NourishSpa bottle....Added all of this... and shook it up.

A moisture Shampoo!!!!

You can add more soap to your liking... But the feel was :lick::lick::lick:

Maybe this is a way to use up all the old condish bottles!!!!:lick:
Hey SJ,
I bought some Dr. Bronner's castile soap about five months ago and used it a couple of times. At that time I only diluted it with distilled water. I thought it kind of left my hair feeling stripped but I did some research and learned that castile soap can give your hair a different feel at first since it contains no sulfates or fillers. The last time I used it I added aloe vera juice and glycerine and it worked great. Wished I had stuck with it instead of jumping on some bandwagons. Now I use CON (green label) but will start using this again and switching up in the near future. Never thought about adding condish too it. Thanks for sharing.
I believe I got the inspiration for something like this from Noir, but I LOVE using Dr Bronner's tea tree castile soap mixed w/AOHR and a bit of distilled water. LOVE!! My hair is clean, light, soft, and my curls pop like crazy. I may try adding some oil to it next time to see how it works.
Hey SJ,
I bought some Dr. Bronner's castile soap about five months ago and used it a couple of times. At that time I only diluted it with distilled water. I thought it kind of left my hair feeling stripped but I did some research and learned that castile soap can give your hair a different feel at first since it contains no sulfates or fillers. The last time I used it I added aloe vera juice and glycerine and it worked great. Wished I had stuck with it instead of jumping on some bandwagons. Now I use CON (green label) but will start using this again and switching up in the near future. Never thought about adding condish too it. Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome! YOu have to stick with natural stuff...
You have to let your hair "detox"

it takes some time. But I have always added oil to my poo - since about 2004.

2006 - Started making my own poo - and I have always added oil

TJ's condish will now be the New thing!
Thanks for the tip SJ! I've been using diluted castille soap for a few months now, but have been looking for a little more moisture. Btw I have sort of a newbie question, when u say "distilled" water are u referring to bottled water? I've just been using plain old tap water.
Thanks for the tip SJ! I've been using diluted castille soap for a few months now, but have been looking for a little more moisture. Btw I have sort of a newbie question, when u say "distilled" water are u referring to bottled water? I've just been using plain old tap water.

Yes - mama!!! Distilled - Is at your grocery store... It is not Spring water.

It says distilled on the label....:yep: Easy to find.
Hey Ladies!
So - I thought I would share that today - I ususally have to make all my products for my reggie ( shampoo, leave in, condish, etc....)

And today - I took a short cut....Maybe it will work for some of you!

Here is what you need: ( well, this is what I used)

2 oz Trader Joe's NourshSpa Conditioner

6 oz of distilled water

1 oz jojoba oil
2 oz coconut oil
2 oz castile soap

I used the NourishSpa bottle....Added all of this... and shook it up.

A moisture Shampoo!!!!

You can add more soap to your liking... But the feel was :lick::lick::lick:

Maybe this is a way to use up all the old condish bottles!!!!:lick:

This sounds fabulous . . . adding conditioner to shampoo!

I can't wait to use all of my cheapie conditioners, since they can't be used alone as a deep conditioner and I don't prepoo. I guess my thick conditioners will work, too. Incidentally, I know I can add a little of my cheapie conditioners to my thick conditioners.
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I Use Dr.Bronners Lavender Castile Soap, it has oils Like Coconut in it already, i dont dilute it tho. Im just wondering for those of you who do dilute it. Why?
I did something similar to this today, I had 1oz. of my indian oil mix left and added 2 oz. of nexxus therrappe and filled the rest up with water (it was one of those 8oz application bottles), well let me tell you! This is a keeper, it was the best of both worlds pooing and oil rinsing in one, I loved it! Oh and using that application nozzle to apply the poo to my scalp was even better, it went directly where it was suppose to go.
Hey Ladies!
So - I thought I would share that today - I ususally have to make all my products for my reggie ( shampoo, leave in, condish, etc....)

And today - I took a short cut....Maybe it will work for some of you!

Here is what you need: ( well, this is what I used)

2 oz Trader Joe's NourshSpa Conditioner

6 oz of distilled water

1 oz jojoba oil
2 oz coconut oil
2 oz castile soap

I used the NourishSpa bottle....Added all of this... and shook it up.

A moisture Shampoo!!!!

You can add more soap to your liking... But the feel was :lick::lick::lick:

Maybe this is a way to use up all the old condish bottles!!!!:lick:

I am going to have to try this.....and sooon (like tonight:look:)!!! Thanks for the recipe!! Girl, you are my hair heroine!! Have you looked at your hair lately???? I'm trying to get like you!!
I already tried a recipe very similar to this, very runny.:perplexed:nono:

Castile soap is not Thick.... Thickness and volume are just thickening agents, some are natural, but most are not.... It has no effect on cleaning.

it is Psycological.... so I understand... Thick shampoos are some people's preference.
Bumping this...
Had a mixture of castile soap, aloe vera juice, and glycerin mixture in my fridge and decided to use it instead of my usual CON (green) poo. I remembered this thread and added a squirt or two of Giovanni Smooth as Silk and Tea Tree Triple Threat Condish (the closest items to organic that I had) and SJ, you're right.
This is a keeper. The lather was peculiar; it didn't strip, just cleansed very well. Ladies don't sleep on the castile soap. Thanks SJ and NaturalGirl.