My Mason Pearson Brush Got Lost In The Mail!


New Member
I can't believe it. I've been waiting so long to get one. 2 weeks ago I had a little extra cash so I bought myself a pocket size mason pearson brush. I bought the pure bristle brush and was so excited I couldn't wait to get it. I checked the tracking info and the last information I have on it is that it was in NJ on the 8th. I'm so upset it should have been here by atleast tuesday. I called the company and I can't officially claim it lost until this thursday so I have to wait even longer for my brush. Whenever I get my brush I will review it.
I can't believe it. I've been waiting so long to get one. 2 weeks ago I had a little extra cash so I bought myself a pocket size mason pearson brush. I bought the pure bristle brush and was so excited I couldn't wait to get it. I checked the tracking info and the last information I have on it is that it was in NJ on the 8th. I'm so upset it should have been here by atleast tuesday. I called the company and I can't officially claim it lost until this thursday so I have to wait even longer for my brush. Whenever I get my brush I will review it.

Oh don't get upset. It's probably not lost at all. Depending on the shipping method you selected it may not get to you until this week (Plus remember this is the weekend) (Standard 8-10 days). Where did you order it from? If it's in the UPS system...and you saw that it was last in New Jersey--when is the scheduled delivery date? You should be able to see that as well. I do hope you get your brush:yep: and I'm sure you will.

Edited! I didn't see that it was 2 weeks ago before...hmmmm.... I don't know what to say about that.