My little sister's hair pressing dilemma


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My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

My sister has natural hair which she gets pressed occasionally. Lately, when she washes her hair the pressed hair stays straight so now her hair is a mixture of straight and curly. When she went to a hair salon to get double strand twists with her own hair the lady was like "you have a perm" and did not believe her when she told them she did not.

She is wondering if she should cut her hair or just leave it. I told her she should just leave it on. Is it really that big of a deal to have some parts me straight and some be curly? Someone advised her to cut her hair real short or just get it permed. What do you all think?
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

They did a post that I found one day I can't link it because I'm still relatively new to this site and I haven't mastered it yet. But, it was entitled "Is there life after pressing" I would suggest doing a search on that to see if you get the info. I press my hair when it is not in braids and all the years I have pressed it I have never had that problem.
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

Tell your sister not to cut her hair. Sometimes it takes longer to get the curls back; but sometimes the hair is just damaged beyond repair. If I were in her situation, unless my hair was breaking badly, I don't think I'd cut it off just because the textures were different...unless it was affecting the style I wanted to wear it in.

The thread Natori is referring to is Is there life after pressing?
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

After one session of blowdrying then pressing & curling my natural hair, sections of my hair were completely damaged by the excessive heat. Despite my numerous deep conditioning treatments and washes, those sections continued to hang straight. A few weeks later, I decided to just cut the portions off. I chose this option because the limp, straight portions wouldn't hold any type of style and just stood out from everywhere else. I suppose it's not that much of an issue to have some straight strands mixed in there, but if I were your sister, I'd be wary of continuing with the presses because her hair has already given her a sign that it's been weakened.
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

Thanks everyone. Her hair is not damaged at all. It is actually in good shape she just thinks it looks weird. Bronzebrown, you only cut the straught portions off? Did your hair look really uneven then? Thanks!
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

I did the same...just cut the straight portions off after realizing that they weren't going to go back (and after new growth came in). You can't even tell now any differences in length on my head.
But before I cut, if I wore a curly style, I'd use a small curler or straw or something to kinda camouflage those parts.
Cutting the whole thing off is not the answer!
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

I don't think that she should cut her hair.
As nonie said, sometimes these straight parts revert to their curly texture. I'd say give it some time. Also, another poster recommended pouring beer on the hair to help it revert. Not sure if it works, but it may be worth a try. HTH
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

Ahhhh! This is scaring me. I don't know if I'll be able to make a transition without pressing my hair, but now I'm scared that some portions are gonna stay straight. I ignored it for awhile because I thought that this had just happened to a few people and that they had used a hot comb instead of a flat iron (which I wasn't gonna do) but now I see that this is happening to all sorts of people. Do you think it has anything to do with the temperature in which the hair is heat styled. I'm gonna try to use the lowest heat setting possible, but even when my hair is all natural, I wanna be able to press it and have it go back to it's original state. To just how many people has this happened to! I don't know what to do
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

To the poster that mentioned the beer...Should I wash my hair with the beer?
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

I don't think you're supposed to wash you hair with the beer, I think you're supposed to do a final rinse with the beer. This is the thread I'm talking about, which provides more information. Beer: Regain Natural Curl
Re: My little sister\'s hair pressing dilemma

This happened to my hair when I got it flat ironed at salon. I had a texturizer at the time but the stylist didn't seem to acknowledge that. I freaked and cut my hair but it wasn't that long. My hair is straightening out now but I'm not going to cut it. I think I'm just going to deep condition,trim and lay off the heat for a while.