My LHCF 3rd Anniversary *Pics*


Well-Known Member
I joined LHCF in December, 2007 and began documenting my Healthy Hair Journey


December 2008
Many rollersets, protective styles, buns and braids later...


My last relaxer was December 16, 2008. I began my transition to natural. I BC'd on June 26, 2009.

June, 2009

December 2009

June, 26, 2010 (1 Year Nappiversary)

December, 2010

Straightened December 2010

I am pretty much at the same length I was before I BC'd. The knowledge, support and even criticism of the women on this forum has been and remains to be invaluable.

Just want to encourage someone who thinks it's impossible to grow healthy, vibrant hair. Stick to the principles you learn here and you will always have enviable hair :grin:
The December 2010 pic is real pretty. I prefer your natural look esp with the twist out and the added color. It's beautiful! Good growing to ya for 2011.
I love your hair, it's so pretty!!
that color really suits you :yep:
congrats on all your progress!
I love pics. Everytime I see a pretty natural like yours, it makes me want to go that side. I especially love your December 2010 pic.
Congrats and happy anniversary I guess. Your hair def looks healthy and juicy. So absolutely no regrets. Happy New Year!!