My letter regarding the USAF ban of locs

Miss AJ

New Member
I found a petition a month ago and added my own comments and had it sent to my state senator. I got an email a couple seconds ago and ALMOST deleted it cuz I thought it was spam, but it was the senator (or one of his people lol) replying back saying they reviewed my letter, forwarded it to the AF and request they report to him and me with updates as to what may or may not happen regarding te ban! I'm excited because one person CAN make a difference. Even if nothing does happen the concern is out there and not under the radar.
Is this an old regulation? Is it actually being enforced? It's good to hear that you voiced your concerns and at least got a response.
Good for you! Even though I don't plan on locking my hair - I don't want to be told I can't.

Oh, and you should've thrown something in there about the ban on scrunchees too... The most ridiculous AFI ever drafted in the history of the Air Force.... :ohwell:
......wait, what about locs? If I'm thinking of the type you're referring to, I doubt you're going to get anything changed. I don't see why, honestly, there should be an "exception" made as far as inches in bulkiness and prevent wear of ABU cover/headgear/etc. Unless I'm confusing what you mean, it's just considered one of those nonessential things people like to do appearance-wise, but do not HAVE TO. I just checked the D&A regs and it's pretty clear and cut. I don't think it's fair if people with that hairstyle are given special privileges as far as bulk in hair, etc. goes. Again, I can be mistaking what exactly you mean by locs, but if I'm thinking correctly, I don't see it happening.

That said, congrats on taking initiative in a positive way! :D
No there are no special rules, dreadlocks are 100% banned. I don't want there to be any leniency regarding the whole 3 inches in bulk thing because the same way long hair can be styled to be within that reg can be applied to long locs too.
is the ban as a whole like male and female or just males??? off to google lol

Males pretty much cant have any hair lol but even though "Afrocentric" styles are not banned, i think the decision to ban locs was completely done by a misinformed individual. We ALL know locs can be professional but the "dreadlocks" they are referring to are like freeform locs I guess. Either way it's unfair to people who have well kept locs and I myself plan on locing one day...maybe lol.
ok... cause i can understand why its banned for male though i dont understand for females. so long as its kept off the collar like everyone else you know... i dunno how i feel about this one.

i remember in basic when i 1st got there one of the drill sgt was saying i would have to cut my hair cause it was too long (why i wore my hair down i still dont know)... the next day in uniform he asked wear all my hair went and i was like "in my bun, duh"... needless to say i had to drop for that one but had they made me cut my hair when i had zero issues putting it away i would have been pissed. so if a female has dreads and it meets all the regulations, i dont see why its not allowed.
No there are no special rules, dreadlocks are 100% banned. I don't want there to be any leniency regarding the whole 3 inches in bulk thing because the same way long hair can be styled to be within that reg can be applied to long locs too.

......where do they explicitly ban "locs"? I looked in the regs and there was no specific mention unless it's under a different name or in another supplement or something. Also, can you show me a pic example of the style you're talking about? Because from what I'm thinking, typically it's a very thick hairstyle that could easily overrun the whole 3 inch restriction....
Is this rule in the UCMJ? Yes like Drappedup I need more information too....I was in the AF and stayed in trouble for going beyond the 3 in rule :rofl: but my hair was permed then.

There are many rules that are outdated....but as a current govement worker I understand that it will take an act of GOD to get anything done....especially when its really not a big deal "in the governments" eyes. They are looking for uniformity and safety----that will be their justification and that will stick.

I wish you the best, however :kiss:
The reg says dreadlocks, and believe me, I'm not some dumb airman who thinks everything is going to get changed BUT at least now the issue is not going to stay swpet under the rug. There was a HUGE controversy a few years ago over a woman's locs and I saw the picture, her hair looked fine and in regs but because they were locs they made her get rid of them....and yet plenty of women can walk around with unnatural looking highlights and no one bats an eyelash.
This is the Will NOT column for women's hair in AFI 36-2903:

be worn in an extreme or fad
style or violate safety
requirements. Extend below
any side of an invisible line
drawn parallel to the ground
at the bottom edge of the
shirt collar regardless of
length. Length will not be
excessive. Include hair
ornaments such as ribbons,
beads, jeweled pins, or hair
scrunchy. May not have
shaved heads, military
high-and-tight or flat top
haircuts. (Ban on faddish
styles and cuts.) Will not
prevent proper wear of
headgear, including helmet
or chemical mask. Synthetic
hair not authorized when not
permitted by safety/mission
requirements. Dreadlocks
are not authorized.
when I was in Korea, i saw this one lady with some beautiful locks...they were nice and neat. i heard that they made her cut them off though. I think that if they are kept nice and neat and stay within the 3 inch bulk reg, then you should be able to wear them too.
The only reason I haven't gone natural is because of AFI 36-2903 banning dreadlocks. I've heard in a few cases that some female airmen were made to cut their hair, but, from what I was taught, if you had dreadlocks when you came in (before 2008), then you could keep them. I have quite a few friends with dreadlocks. I also met a Captain today with the prettiest dreads.
I guess I have my own bias and as stupid as most military rules are I suppose it does not really matter to me as much as it used to...

to each his've got to fight for what you believe in sometimes...again best wishes :kiss:
I saw my first female Airman with dreads back in 1996. They were above SL and were neat looking. I am embarrassed to say that I didn't know this rule was in effect (I'm a SNCO). I can see why "dread"locs would be banned. And by that I mean the crazy, sloppy looking, free formed locs that real Rastas wear. But Sisterlocs can be just as neat as a cornrowed style. I think the decision for this ban was made out of ignorance. But then again, I can't see the reg getting specific about particular names for particular ethnic hairstyles. I think they could have left it alone and just banned sloppy looking locs under the heading of "unprofessional looking" appearance.
Have you tried an electronic uniform board suggestion?
I guess I have my own bias and as stupid as most military rules are I suppose it does not really matter to me as much as it used to...

to each his've got to fight for what you believe in sometimes...again best wishes :kiss:

I ain't even mad at you though lol and I know the Air Force has other more important things to worry about but that dreadlocks thing really bothers me. Me as a hair guru knows what dreadlocks they are talking about but if I've got nice looking cultured locs that can be styled just like braid extensions why can't I have them?? If they can lift the ban on walking and talking on cell phones while in uniform which WAS NOT a big deal for me because I hate seeing people do that, I'm sure they can do a lil more research on locs and get more specific with that ban.
I saw my first female Airman with dreads back in 1996. They were above SL and were neat looking. I am embarrassed to say that I didn't know this rule was in effect (I'm a SNCO). I can see why "dread"locs would be banned. And by that I mean the crazy, sloppy looking, free formed locs that real Rastas wear. But Sisterlocs can be just as neat as a cornrowed style. I think the decision for this ban was made out of ignorance. But then again, I can't see the reg getting specific about particular names for particular ethnic hairstyles. I think they could have left it alone and just banned sloppy looking locs under the heading of "unprofessional looking" appearance.
Have you tried an electronic uniform board suggestion?

ITA, because I totally could've gotten down with something like "Dreadlocks that present an unprofessional, unkempt appearance are not authorized"
Upon checking again, there is a specific mention of dreadlocks. I could have sworn I ctrl+f'd it yesterday too and it didn't come up, heh, weird. But yeah, I still don't see it becoming overturned, especially since they're going to argue the whole 3 inch angle, which does make plenty of sense uniform-wise. I guess I don't see the big deal. /shrug

But yeah, good luck and it is good you're voicing your opinion! :grin:
Here is the reg

Hair Will:

styled to present a
professional appearance.
Allow the wear of
conservative hairpins,
combs, headbands, elastic
bands and barrettes. Hair
pins and bands must match
hair color. Long hair will be
secured with no loose end.
(see note 8.)
Bangs, if worn, will not
touch the eyebrows. Braids,
micro-braids and cornrows
are authorized. However,
must be solid color similar to
the individual's hair color;
conservative and not present
a faddish appearance

Hair will not:
be worn in an extreme or fad
style or violate safety
requirements. Extend below
any side of an invisible line
drawn parallel to the ground
at the bottom edge of the
shirt collar regardless of
length. Length will not be
excessive. Include hair
ornaments such as ribbons,
beads, jeweled pins, or hair
scrunchy. May not have
shaved heads, military
high-and-tight or flat top
haircuts. (Ban on faddish
styles and cuts.) Will not
prevent proper wear of
headgear, including helmet
or chemical mask. Synthetic
hair not authorized when not
permitted by safety/mission
requirements. Dreadlocks
are not authorized.
NOTE: Minimum length/
bulk required is 1 inch not to
exceed 3 inches in bulk and
will not prevent proper wear
of headgear, including
helmet or chemical mask.

To be honest, I don't have a problem with it. You are not working at a corporation, you give up a lot more than your hairstyle when you join. It is a profession of arms.
Unfortunately, your individuality means little when your primary mission is protecting the country.
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Unfortunately, your individuality means little when your primary mission is protecting the country.

Ummmm ,im not real sure how to respond because I can't pinpoint the tone...but my concern with the locs reg is NOT individuality, my concern is fairness. There are locs that can be styled and within regulation just like braid extensions which ARE ALLOWED AND IS CLEARLY STATED IN THE REG, so why should a woman with PROFESSIONAL, WELL KEPT DREADS be punished because the person who made this ban hears the word dreadlocks and assumes this is how all loc wearers look:


but hers look like this (yes i know this particular style is not within AF regulation but these locs are professional and well kept):

Here is the reg

Hair Will:

To be honest, I don't have a problem with it. You are not working at a corporation, you give up a lot more than your hairstyle when you join. It is a profession of arms.

Nevermind, I'm a tad upset about other things and don't want to snap....I'm very aware of what I gave up when I joined, please see my other response as I am too tired and lazy to copy and paste it in this post.
What is there to snap about? I don't think it is "punishment". It's just a reg. There are hundreds of other asinine regs. I wish blues pants didn't have to be high waters. But it is what it is. it's the price we pay.

And those locs you posted were neat but huge. There is no way she could fit an ABU cap, Gas mask, or anything over them.

There is no need to snap I feel what you are saying, I just have a differeing opinion.
Here is the reg

Hair Will:

To be honest, I don't have a problem with it. You are not working at a corporation, you give up a lot more than your hairstyle when you join. It is a profession of arms.

Wow. I'm actually confused now. If black women can't wear braids, cornrows, dredlocks, can't have bulky hair, and can't shave their heads, how can they wear their hair?
Here is the reg

Hair Will:

To be honest, I don't have a problem with it. You are not working at a corporation, you give up a lot more than your hairstyle when you join. It is a profession of arms.

Oh, never mind. I see they can wear braids or cornrows. Whew! I was wondering if there were any natural options available.
Oh, never mind. I see they can wear braids or cornrows. Whew! I was wondering if there were any natural options available.

Yea, they can wear them as long as they fit inside the headgear.


BTW I am not saying it is a good reg, I am saying it is a reg and what you sign up for. That doesn't mean they won change it one day. 11 years ago cornrows and braids were discouraged .
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