My Length Check - Going for WSL


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

It's been a LONG minute since I've been active in this section. (I'm usually in other sections though. :grinwink:) Well it's almost my 3-year nappiversary, but I thought I'd do an early update. There's been growth, but also trimming. This year, I'm getting back to being serious about retention:

+Hair type: 4-ABCXYZ
+3 years natural on Feb. 1 (~4 yrs relaxer-free)
+Aiming for layered WSL by Dec. 2011
+Regimen = prepoo, wash, DC, detangle, moisturize, wear twists for 3-4 weeks

More pics in the fotki (must be signed in): 2008-2010: Natural Growth Progress album | Loolalooh ~*~*GROWTH CHECK: 1/22/11*~*~ |, photo and video sharing made easy.
Ur hair looks wonderful! How do you get your twists to last 3-4 weeks? How big do you make them? TIA
Thank you, ladies! :grinwink:

@Skiggle & Charz: I keep washing to a minimum (about 1-2x) while wearing the twists. This helps to make them last a while. Other things I do to help with long-term wear:

+twist on stretched hair,
+use the "Senegalese", or "rope", twist method
+try not to manipulate them much during the 3-4 weeks
your hair looks incredibly healthy! nice work :yep: i honestly think you can make it to WL before December
^^ That's the first thing I healthy it looks from root to tip. Absolutely gorgeous.

I plan to eventually start PSing in twists for 3-4 weeks at a time. Do you work out often? If so, how do you keep your scalp clean during the 2-3 weeks between washes? Also, what do you use to moisturize & DC? I CW twice per week, mainly for moisture, so I'd need a pretty super moisturizer to last between washes if/when I start this regimen.

^^ That's the first thing I healthy it looks from root to tip. Absolutely gorgeous.

I plan to eventually start PSing in twists for 3-4 weeks at a time. Do you work out often? If so, how do you keep your scalp clean during the 2-3 weeks between washes? Also, what do you use to moisturize & DC? I CW twice per week, mainly for moisture, so I'd need a pretty super moisturizer to last between washes if/when I start this regimen.


Thank you! I used to work out hard core regularly, but haven't had much time lately. When I did, I would use witch hazel or the ORS dry shampoo on my scalp in between washes. I DC with Lekair Cholesterol mixed with an oil and moisturize with whipped shea butter (shea, coconut oil, aloe vera, olive oil, grapeseed oil). It works really well for me.
Thanks for all the encouragement, ladies! I'm so loving your hair in your siggies ... NikkiGirl, Allandra, Charz, Toy, Mystic, DLisha, bride91501, classychic1908!
That's one of the lowesst bras I've ever seen. Congrats on your progress. I can't wait until twists look decent on me to try having them in long term like that. You'll be WL in no time for sure.
That's one of the lowesst bras I've ever seen. Congrats on your progress. I can't wait until twists look decent on me to try having them in long term like that. You'll be WL in no time for sure.

LOL!:lachen: I know right! I don't know why, but it's just comfortable for me to wear it that low. Ah well. Thank you!
Such consistent and steady progress! Congratulations!

I love your documentation of the journey. Very orderly done. :up:
Great progress...Very pretty! See you at WL in no time..

Happy Hair Growing!
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Your hair is gorgeous! I love your fotki and your blog.
Congrats on your progress!

Is WL your final goal?? just curious...