My latest 2 month progress pics


old head
Well, it's that time again. I'm really digging the photojournal thing so although I have the length pics updated as usual in my fotobay and LHCF galleries, you can also find them along with some bonus big chop comparisons in today's journal entry.
Nothing dramatic, since I did just have that half inch trim last month, but I'm plugging along. My bangs have finally nudged their way past my chin :)
Black Cardinal, I love your hair too. Pics like yours really get me to contemplating the natural thing. There's something very multidimensional about natural hair and I really like it. Great progress too. :)
BlackCardinal, that is some crazy growth, congrats and keep up the good work, that shrinkage is off the hook too, LOL. I also have to give you your props on your whole journal set-up, How did you every set everything up like that? you must really be into computers, the organization is really nice.
Thank-you, ladies! I like my shrinkage :)

B.W.E., I just used vb code like you would use in regular posts. In your journal, the title of an entry is clickable--it takes you to a page which has that entry displayed by itself. So I use the regular url tags to create links between single journal entries. It ends up like a mini website.
The truth is that I just have too much time on my hands :lol:
Nice progress. Your hair looks really healthy. I have a couple of questions:

1. How long did you transition

and of course the famous LHCF question

2. what is your routine?

rai said:
Nice progress. Your hair looks really healthy. I have a couple of questions:

1. How long did you transition

and of course the famous LHCF question

2. what is your routine?

I transitioned for a year and a half. My transitioning pics are in my main album which you can get to from the link in my siggy. You can also find my regimen details in my album, but basically it's daily con washes, and shampoo/deep condition once a week. I use mainly Jason and Giovanni products, but I've got some Elucence and Elasta stuff that I'm trying to use up on my deep conditioning days. I wear some form of wash n go every day.