My journey with MG (Maxiglide)


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I need a little help here. I'm going to try something new.

I'm tired of blow frying my hair! (laughs) So this next wash, I'm going to "gasps" AIRDRY and then use my maxiglide.

I'm really scared. Seriously. I will detangle like never before but what if it's not shaky, what if it's not straight enough?

This is my effort (attempt) to cut out some of that drying heat from my routine. I went six months without heat, but I hid my hair under a fall. Now I want to use heat in moderation.

Any tips? Comments? What worked for you? Please reply whether you're natural or relaxed (or somewhere in between).
My hair doesn't like being straightened after it has airdried completely. Before I MG, I let it dry about 70-80% so it's still a little damp then blowdry it on low heat until completely dry.

ETA: Oh I'm relaxed, but I started doing this when I was texturized w/ 5 inches of NG. :eek: It works great both ways.
Oh okay, so I need to let it air dry a little and then use the blow dryer on low kinda smooth it out?

Sareca how do you like your MG? I think it's wonderful! I'm looking forward to using it again.

i am on a no heat challenge but what i used to do was put a little coconut oil or wgo on the ends have my mom conrow my hair damp and seelp on it and the next day it is dry and semi straight then hit it with the maxiglide HTH
I rollerset first under the hood dryer, then maxiglide on setting 4 with the flat plates and no steam, it came out super straght but not damaged, im underprocessed and the steam just made me frizzy city!
What is the difference between maxiglide heat and blow drying heat? I don't see the difference, heat is heat. Please help me to understand.
lana said:
Oh okay, so I need to let it air dry a little and then use the blow dryer on low kinda smooth it out?

That's what works best for me. :yep:
lana said:
Sareca how do you like your MG? I think it's wonderful! I'm looking forward to using it again.


Love it! I love the steam shot and the detangling pins.
Hey, here is what works for me when I air dry and I don't get any snags. I wash my hair and and start parting it into medium sections. Then I work whatever I am going to use to press it in that section (last time I used natures blessing) and then I braid it. Then I let it air dry ( If you can't wait you can probably sit under a hooded dryer) When its completely dry, I start taking down the braids one by one and flat ironing each section until there are no more braids. It may seem tedious but now I avoid a fight between the blowdryer comb and my hair!
Ok Ntrlmystik that's about the easiest thing I can think of for my hair. I can't rollerset my 4a/b natural hair. It would laugh at the rollers. (laughs) I wish I could though, because I'm sure they are gorgeous!

I just want to use heat once instead of twice. So if I can JUST flat iron, instead of using the blowFRYER (smiles) and then the flat iron on TOP of would be great.

I'm going to try this. I just didn't want to weigh my hair down with too much product. Has anyone found out how to avoid the frizz? I'm going to try an anti-humidity spray. What do you think?

Need answers....

Thanks for your responses ladies!
I find that Aveda Anti-humectant pomade does a nice job and its very light. You have to try different things to see what will work with your own hair.
Try braiding your hair to let it airdry. That way it smooths it out from root to tip and you won't have problems pulling the maxiglide through.