My Indian Friend needs hair advice.....


New Member
My cubemate, who is Indian, has been complaining about the ends of her hair. She's doesn't like how dull and dry they look, and she was thinking about wanting to dye it to make it look like the rest of her hair.

At first I suggested a henna/indigo mix, but she doesn't want to use henna because she's afraid of it drying out her hair. Then I suggested cassia or alma powder to give her more shine and gloss. Was that a good idea? What would you suggest?

It just sounds like she needs a trim. If her ends are split free and healthy then it sounds like she needs moisture. Is she moisturizing her hair with anything? Does she brush her hair (stop!)?

It just sounds like she has frizzy ends due to either, heat, brushing or a need for a trim. Tell your friend what moisturizer (something light and easy to use like a leave in conditioner spray) and what moisturizing conditioner to use.

I think she will be loving her hair inside of a month!

Sounds like she may need some moisture if her ends aren't splitting. Coconut milk, lime and honey mixed with her favorite conditioner might help.
Have her clarify w/ a ACV rinse since I am sure she doesn't clarify often. When I was in college I didn't know you were supposed to clarify. That will get rid of any product buildup that has accumulated over time. The ACV rinse will also give her hair a natural sheen. Then she should deep condition to add moisture back in and do a final rinse w/ cold water as cold as she can stand it. That closes the cuticle tight and makes the strands smooth. She may want to lightly smooth through some Vatika oil (just a dab rubbed in the middle of her palms) through the hair and ends. HTH
She may also want toinvest in some Aveda Black Malva Shampoo & cond to keep her dark hair looking its best.
Dang...she's not hip to all these wonderful Dabur Indian products we cherish so much :confused:. Her hair texture is probably 2A, so she might not need to moisturize like we do. A good trim and some Amla or Vatika oil as a prepoo might do her right.