My HHJ and its progress! *PICS*


Active Member
Before LHCF

June when i first met LHCF (it was love at first sight)

Oct.. This was when i self relaxed and started my transition

*between these two photos i had my hair trimmed before i put it in a weave, unfortunately there are no before and after pics*


And this is now 6 months post relaxer. I blowdried (first pic) and straightened (2nd pic) my hair here

I feel like my hair grows super slow btu nonetheless im still happy with the growth i have, Ive been in weave and wigs for the past six month.

So can someone please tell me what length i am now? i have no clue..

just wanted to share my progress and thank you ladies (once again) for all the great advice you give!

(p.s. sorry the pics are prolly big)
You made really good progress!!! Why do you think it grows slow?

idk cause if you compare the first pic and the most recent one its been almost a year and i gained maybe three inches (four at the most),
thats about a 1/4 or a 1/3 of an inch per month (well excluding my trim), thats feels kinda slow IMO,
i might be wrong though, maybe Im anticipating my BSL hair too much haha :lachen:
Your growth rate seems swift to me. Beautiful hair. I know you got these women here in Cleveland mad (with all these raggedy quick weaves I see around here, they just ought to be :giggle:

Great Progress
girrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllll, that haircut was the bomb! :drool:

nice progress. ♥

haha thanks girl! yeah i loved that cut!

Your growth rate seems swift to me. Beautiful hair. I know you got these women here in Cleveland mad (with all these raggedy quick weaves I see around here, they just ought to be :giggle:

Great Progress

haha hey fellow ohio-an!.. lol
yeah i seen a lot of disasters on the streets of ohio, sometimes i wish i has flyers for LHCF that i could hand out lol
Your hair is sooo thick and healthy :lick::lick: You have great progress and look to be full shoulder length. Great Job!!! :yep:
omg yay im so excited.
you guys have no idea how happy i am to reach my short term goal!
my plan was to make it to SL in May but im glad i can claim it now.

Thanks for all the encouragement ladiess!!

Next APL!!!! woohoo lol ;)
You are full SL. Beautiful hair and progress! I don't think you're a slow grower at all. Looks like good normal growth to me.
thanks ladies!!!
although ive been shoulder length before, i never appreciated it,
and i treated my hair like crap. lol
im so excited to be on my HHJ!!!