My heating cap heats evenly, shedding/breakage in spot where there's no heat :-(


Deep Thinker
My heating cap heats un-evenly, shedding/breakage in spot where there's no heat :-(

Hi ladies,

I'm wondering if any of you have any recommendations for a good heating cap that heats evenly. I can't remember if mine always heated unevenly or if it's just getting worse but the back never gets hot like the rest. I've had excessive shedding/possible breakage in only my nape area :ohwell: and it's funny that this is the only area where the heat cap doesn't get hot. I've experimented and found out that putting the cap on backwards doesn't work :spinning:

I was thinking of this Gold n Hot one from Sally's but I can't remember the brand of mine. But it looks like almost the same one but mine is probably almost 10 years old and is black and white.

I love mine because I just put it on an extension cord and I can walk around the room and do things with it on. So the ones that attach to the dryer wouldn't work for me.


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I got the Mastex heating cap for Christmas and I noticed that one part doesn't get hot :cry3: and I had been SO happy to get it, too!

I'm not sure what would work best for you, but the Mastex doesn't heat evenly either, so don't get that one. :nono:
interesting dilemma, I never knew the absence of heat could cause damage, I have nothing to offer so im bumping 4 responses....hope U get answers for your problem and the heating cap :)
i have the gold and hot. It heats all around its just nto hot enough for me. Sometimes i go to the gym and use the stea, room for 15 minutes instead.
i cant understand why your hair would break from not getting heat while deep conditioning. i mean as long as you have a plastic cap on your body heat should work.
When I was in btwn salon dryers a friend let me use her heat cap and I wondered how so many pple used them and I never heard complaints of not getting hot enough. I left that thing on for almost an hour and my hair was still luke warm. I ended up taking a face towel and putting it in steaming hot water, wrapped my hair up in that for 10 min and I was good. As much as I hate table top dryers I would suggest getting one of them.
Sometimes body heat is not enough, unless you are running around the house/exercising or something it just doesn't heat up enough for some pple.
i cant understand why your hair would break from not getting heat while deep conditioning. i mean as long as you have a plastic cap on your body heat should work.
I got the Mastex heating cap for Christmas and I noticed that one part doesn't get hot :cry3: and I had been SO happy to get it, too!

I'm not sure what would work best for you, but the Mastex doesn't heat evenly either, so don't get that one. :nono:

Taking notes not to order the Mastex.

Thanks bunches!!!
i have the gold and hot. It heats all around its just nto hot enough for me. Sometimes i go to the gym and use the stea, room for 15 minutes instead.

Oooh, I didn't even think of the idea of one that doesn't get hot enough. That's another thing I'll be weighing before deciding.

i cant understand why your hair would break from not getting heat while deep conditioning. i mean as long as you have a plastic cap on your body heat should work.

Me either. I'm not saying the breakage/shedding is definitely from the heating cap but it sure makes you think it just might be. I use heat weekly in my hair so I always make sure to DC to make it stronger. So I'm thinking that if that area isn't getting enough heat like the rest then I'd think it wouldn't be as healthy as the rest??? I don't know but I always feel that area as soon as I take the cap off and it's cool to the touch and the rest of the area is nice and warm.

When I was in btwn salon dryers a friend let me use her heat cap and I wondered how so many pple used them and I never heard complaints of not getting hot enough. I left that thing on for almost an hour and my hair was still luke warm. I ended up taking a face towel and putting it in steaming hot water, wrapped my hair up in that for 10 min and I was good. As much as I hate table top dryers I would suggest getting one of them.

Yeah, this is going to make me pay attention to the wattage now because I would hate to end up with one that didn't get hot. Mine would get really hot and that was good about it but just not even enough.

interesting dilemma, I never knew the absence of heat could cause damage, I have nothing to offer so im bumping 4 responses....hope U get answers for your problem and the heating cap :)

Thanks for bumping. I still don't know if it caused the damage but it's something to ponder when that's the only area damaged. I went from past SL to see-through hair that is barely CBL. I have a lot of other issues going on that most likely caused it but I'm just trying to eliminate any and every possible thing.

My biggest issue, just discontinued a 2 1/2 month round of antibiotics for my acne and I really believe that's the cause. But the shedding/breakage being in only the back makes me wonder???? So I'm concentrating on nursing the nape back to health and with a heating cap that doesn't get hot back there it's disappointing.

My mastex get very hot. I turn it on for two minutes before putting it on my head and it gradually goes from cold to warm to hot, then it starts cooling. When that happens I turn it off for a minute and then I will do another 20 minutes under it because I like to stay under it 30-40 minutes. I love it and have not problems with heat distribution at all.
I am disappointed with my Mastex cap as well. It doesn't get hot enough for me. From now on I'll be using my table top dryer.
My Gold 'n Hot didn't get sufficiently hot at the crown area of my head either. I started parting my hair down the middle so that all my ends got heated and I would twist and turn the cap for more coverage. I wasn't real pleased with it.