My hairstylist lied to me about my relaxer!!!

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I use Mizani Lye and have been growing out my no lye relaxer for 14 months. When I went for my relaxer Friday as always I asked for Mizani Lye. She has never used anything else on my hair. My hair looked good that night but the next morning it was plastered to my head and my hairline is so thin you can see my scalp. I have never seen my hair this thin before. Whats worse is that when she came out from the supply room she had a small tub of Mizani relaxer (usually she uses a large tub) and I said are you sure thats lye and she got angry with me and said "its lye its lye I told you its lye" so I let her proceed. It was definately no lye so I called the salon and spoke to her boss yesterday and she told me to come in and see if she could fix it. I told her I don't trust her salon anymore. I'm so upset I can't think straight. Also my ends are fried and it looks like 4 inches need to be cut off.
They were fine before Friday. What should I do.
I'm so sorry to hear about this experience. What's the difference between lye and no lye? Are you sure that it's because it was lye or is it because of the way she applied the relaxer? How long did she leave it in and did she apply it to your ends?
Reneutralize and do a protein treatment. How much did you pay? Ask for a refund! You paid for a lye relaxer and got lied to.
I'm curious too-- you said your ends are fried. Did she put the relaxer in your ends too? I am at least glad that you go to a salon where there is someone "in charge" and the woman has to be held accountable for her actions.
I feel bad for you. My stylists acts annoyed when I verify that she's using a Lye relaxer also.
I really don't appreciate it either and it's too the point that I've been seriously considering switching to another stylist.

I wish I could do my own touch-up.

It's your $$$--you don't have to put up with her at all acting annoyed with you. I once had a stylist who seemed annoyed with my hair "obsession." I am always very straight-forward with a stylist & let them know that I am obsessed with my hair, very knowledgeable of it, & very protective of it when it comes to the salon. So, this stylist of mine seemed annoyed and made the comment that she "had to deal with me and my hair drama." That was the last time she saw me.

The stylist I have now is so supportive, encouraging, not scissor-happy. She has even invited me along to hair shows & conventions. She's just an all together, lovely lady. And the most important thing is that she realizes who the customer is and where the $$ is coming from.
Sad. That's one of the reasons why I started doing my own hair for about 11 years. If you're paying, I can't understand why they can't be honest about the chemicals they're putting on your hair. I know a stylist who went off, I mean off, because a customer brought in her own hair treatment. Then to straight out lie like she did was unacceptable. I would have wanted a refund. I have found that no-lye relaxers make my hair dry, dull, & a funny brown color where as lye relaxers tend to give my hair a healthier look.
It really is sad, how too many (I'd say the majority) of these stylists have this high and mighty attitude. Like they are doing you the favour. wth??? I can't stand it when they act all huffy when you ask questions, and tell them how you want your own damn hair done. They get all offended like you're trying to tell them how to do their job. Well, in a sense you are but, that what they are there for. Not to do whatever they darn well please. I have yet to find a stylist who doesn't act like that. The only thing I'll go to a stylist for is a blow out, cuz I've yet to master that.
Your hair is an investment.

Just like your car, your home, your education, your spouse/husband and doctor.
Hopefully with these things you do some research.
Too often we assume that because this is someone's profession they know what they're doing. At times we are afraid to question their actions. Don't be.
One may be skilled in one area, but lacking experience in the other.
Don't be afraid to questions your doctors, teachers, salesmen, beauticians etc.
If they are worth a grain of salt... they will answer you without hesitation and speak to you prior to service.
They will not refuse to comply with your demands.
They will clarify your doubts or fear without difficulties.
In anyway to assure you. Whether visually, verbally, physically. Remember if your in doubt.... nine chances out of ten something is wrong.
Appearance is a key factor as well. Though we can not judge a book by its cover.... it is a good start.
Try to access the health of her hair. Ask her what she uses. Even ask to feel her hair.
Though this may sound extreme......think about it. Have you ever purchased a car without a test drive? A home without inspection. Your hair is an investment. You take time, spend money, educate your self on it's up keep.
You have a right to make sure it is taken care of.
After all you are paying for this service you deserve the best.
Don't be afraid to let someone know that you don't agree with their service. Speak with their superiors, document what has happened immediately so you can recall exactly what happened.
Suggestion: Reneutralize your hair. Allow shampoo to remain on hair for 5 mins. If your scalp is still sore apply Emu oil. It is excellent for the treatments of burns. Another choise is vitamin E and Neosporin. Make sure to treat the scalp so that it may recover. If not you may experience burns in this area again when relaxing or suffer from Alopecia.
Keep us posted.
Taken from my other post.
Re: Your hair is an investment.

In some salons they actually have you fill out information in reference to the condition your hair was in.
This way if something went wrong they would know exactly who would be held accountable.
It may not be a bad idea (for those who still use a stylist)to make up your own form stating your hair's condition and have the stylist sign off on it.
It may sound extreme.....but look at it as a walk through. The same as when your are renting or leasing a car or home.
You verify what condition this things are in prior to purchase.
For example it could state the condition your hair is in.
Healthy, dry, damaged, color treated, length, products used prior to service. etc...
Re: Your hair is an investment.

This is why I haven't been to a salon in over 10 years, everytime I get the urge to find one, I hear horror stories like this. I agree with Karezone and the protein treatment to get your hair strong. I am so sorry that this happened to you. I am over-protective of my hair.
Supergirl said:

It's your $$$--you don't have to put up with her at all acting annoyed with you. I once had a stylist who seemed annoyed with my hair "obsession." I am always very straight-forward with a stylist & let them know that I am obsessed with my hair, very knowledgeable of it, & very protective of it when it comes to the salon. So, this stylist of mine seemed annoyed and made the comment that she "had to deal with me and my hair drama." That was the last time she saw me.

The stylist I have now is so supportive, encouraging, not scissor-happy. She has even invited me along to hair shows & conventions. She's just an all together, lovely lady. And the most important thing is that she realizes who the customer is and where the $$ is coming from.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your right Supergirl.
I've been scouting out a new one. I have two referrals to choose from.
Thank you for your advice. I've been going to her for a year and a half because she applies the relaxer correctly. She left it on the normal amount of time. She did not apply it to my ends. My hair is snapping like crazy so I'm going to take your advice Karezone. I'm also going to make sure I get my money back. I'm really depressed about this. Thank God I was surging before this happened. Am I overeacting??
Hair Obsessed,

The only thing you might be over-reacting about
would be your ends. If she didn't apply the relaxer to your ends, then their snapping shouldn't be related to the relaxer.--even if it was no-lye. But other than that, you have every right to be upset.
I definitely don't think you're overeacting, HairObsessed! Putting your hair in the hands of a so-called professional requires a lot of trust, and when that trust is betrayed, of course you're going to feel upset, if not enraged
! I'm sorry this happened to you
. All of these horror stories about stylists in recent posts really have me paranoid!
crazy.gif's a damn shame. But if there's any consolation, at least there is power in the information, and you're kind to share your story so others don't befall the same fate, or can make more informed choices about hair care in the future.
HairObsessed said:
Thank you for your advice. I've been going to her for a year and a half because she applies the relaxer correctly. She left it on the normal amount of time. She did not apply it to my ends. My hair is snapping like crazy so I'm going to take your advice Karezone. I'm also going to make sure I get my money back. I'm really depressed about this. Thank God I was surging before this happened. Am I overeacting??

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that you in your avatar?
HairObsessed said:
I use Mizani Lye and have been growing out my no lye relaxer for 14 months. When I went for my relaxer Friday as always I asked for Mizani Lye. She has never used anything else on my hair. My hair looked good that night but the next morning it was plastered to my head and my hairline is so thin you can see my scalp. I have never seen my hair this thin before. Whats worse is that when she came out from the supply room she had a small tub of Mizani relaxer (usually she uses a large tub) and I said are you sure thats lye and she got angry with me and said "its lye its lye I told you its lye" so I let her proceed. It was definately no lye so I called the salon and spoke to her boss yesterday and she told me to come in and see if she could fix it. I told her I don't trust her salon anymore. I'm so upset I can't think straight. Also my ends are fried and it looks like 4 inches need to be cut off.
They were fine before Friday. What should I do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry that happened to you. You must feel awful right now. That used to happen to me all of the time when I used to relax my hair. The last time my hair was plastered to my head I went to a place called Jackie’s Ahead of time to get the "burned plastered scalp" problem corrected. I left the shop with bouncy swinging hair. Here is the address:

Jackie's Ahead of Time
14903 NW 7th Ave
North Miami Beach.
(305) 769-1555

Jackie's sister Stephanie used to do my hair there. You must tell the stylist there exactly what you want done because if your ends are destroyed they will chop them right off if it's necessary. So if you don't want your ends cut you have to let them know. Jackie and her sister have had their work featured in Essence and a lot of other hair magazines. They are the top black salon in Miami. If you decide to go please go early.

I recombined them to a member on this board a few months ago. She pmed me back with rave reviews. I can't remember her name to save my life but maybe she will see this a chime in.
I am sorry to hear about your problem and I agree with supergirl. Scalp issues are usually related to lye relaxers, they are the stronger of the two as far as the scalp is concerned. No-lye's are gentle on the scalp, but not so great for the hair because it leaves your cuticle open and a residue behind. The chemical make up of lye relaxers are generally stronger, and is harsher on the scalp, but is better for the hair because it closes and the cuticle after the process is complete. She probably used a lye relaxer, however she may have used a stronger strength than usual. Relaxers usually come in mild, regular and super strengths, and Lye and No Lye are the major different types, however there are other types.
Me & my mom's ex-stylist was EXTREMELY money hungry. After I found out about the LHCF and learned about hair and what's healthy & what's not, I would start to make comments when she was doing my or my moms hair. I also started to refuse a relaxer when I was wearing a weave because 1)there is honestly no point in relaxing (which she used to ALWAYS overlap/switch up relaxers) if all my hair was cornrowed underneath and 2)At that point, the results of her lack of relaxing knowledge totally damaged my hair. My hair was tore UP and she didn't even acknowledge that her carelessness was the cause, she blamed ME and said I must have accidently cut my hair where there was major breakage. I ended up paying less than usual since I wasn't relaxing for a few months, so she raised the price on me the accommadate for the $$$ she didn't get from me not relaxing
. I promised myself from that day forward that that would be the LAST day I ever went to her and that she ever gets one red cent from me