My hairdresser is anti-LHCF! What to do? LONG post

TigerS.....You have heard...LHCF is your spot......KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!
I do not mention this site at the salon which I only go to for touch-ups and a rare roller trims, no experimentation.
I agree w/the previous posters.

Question: What do you mean she has all of these chemistry degrees? :huh: Why is she working as a hairdresser?
TigerS.....You have heard...LHCF is your spot......KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!
I do not mention this site at the salon which I only go to for touch-ups and a rare roller trims, no experimentation.

Exactly! I don't tell anyone about the LHCF except for some really really close family members. Other people just won't get it. They don't know what my hair looked like before LHCF and they just assume that I am some natural 2b/3a/3b person whose hair would grow anyway and does crazy things to it that won't work for their hair. Just worry about your own hair. If u need her for a retouch, then go to her for a retouch on ur terms. Don't tell her what u do to ur hair when she is not there. :lol: Tell her what ever she wants to hear. If u need to, drop her. I would. I would drop her and start anew w/a new stylist and NOT MENTION LHCF. Just tell the new stylist that u wash once a week and deep condition and rollerset. Boom. Done.
I am a stylist and I say find you a new one. She is ole school, but the problem with that is that sometimes they can be set in their ways and their ways are not always the right way. I agree with a lot of the other ladies on here.

It's your hair and you are paying her. If you want braids get them. They don't stretch the hair. They give your hair a break from you combing and brushing it. So your hair has time to grow. Not all stylist are in it for the health of your hair. Some are in it for the money. Sounds to me that she is trying to keep you coming back to her for the money. You may want to try a new stylist. JMHO!:grin:
Well, she has the right to say whatever she wants until she's blue in the face and she has her reasons for saying what she said. BTW, she wouldn't be the first hairstylist to think that home hair care is NOT the way to go. It's really up to TigerSong to decide whether she's going to listen to her or make up her own decision based on her own results. B/c we can give TigerSong all the advice in the world and she still might not be able to take care of her hair. Some people just don't have the patience, skills or the desire to care for their hair I see it all the time. So, if the hair care results are to TigerSong's satisfaction she can do more of it, if not she can change it. Time will tell...

I hear you but, TigerSong is here... if she wasn't interested in haircare... she wouldn't have lasted this long on LHCF! I have plenty of friends that want to know what I've been doing with my hair but, they completely loose interest when I tell them. TigerSong, please do what you feel is best for you!
That's why I don't tell ppl what I do with my hair and the source of it...not speaking family and friends but hair care professionals. It's like going to a doctor and telling him what another doctor said. They see it as a, "so why are you here then" type of thing. I get excited when my occasional stylist compliments me on my hair and I'm giddy in my chair wanting to share with her the knowledge I've gained from you lovely ladies on LHCF but I DON'T. I just say, I've taken better care of it at home and leave it as that.
I'm beside myself on what journey to take with my hair now. :wallbash: After getting my hair badly over-processed and damaged by my long-time hairdresser I got on LHCF and started having great results almost instantly. Then it came time for a relaxer and I found a new hairdresser.

Don't get me wrong I LOVE this lady. She's been doing hair since I was just a twinkle in my daddy's eye and has the extensive experience and degrees in chemistry to know what she's talking about. She is totally ANTI LHCF though!

I went in today to get my hair ready to start the Crown and Glory method - I've been DYING to get some braids in - and she nay-says everything. The visit went basicly like this. "But can I -" NO. "Well what about -" NO. "I read that -" NO.
With her everything is - "That only coats the hair, it doesn't go INSIDE the hair." Left to her there'd be no prepoo, no DC, no ACV, no Crown and Glory, no large-bottle-of-Keracare-itchy scalp-shampoo.

I try to tell her about all the beautiful ladies I see here on LHCF reaching an exceeding their hair goals and she is NOT hearing it. She says braids only stretch the hair, there's no way to do them without causing baldness, ACV is the worst thing I can do to my hair, stretching between relaxers is just going to break my hair off, appearantly EVERYTHING causes build up except for Jojoba oil - my only apporved hair care regimen with her is Keracare shampoo (1st lather and moisterizing) Humecto conditioner, Silk n' Seal, and frequent salon visits.

I'm tempted to just say, "It's MY hair!" and go back to my LHCF ways - there's something empowering about DCing my hair at home and feeling like I have a say in my hair's destiny. I dont have time or money to always go running to the salon and I LIKE taking care of my own hair with the tools I gathered from LHCF. How can you tell me that ALL the ladies with GORGEOUS hair growth that I see on these forums are dead wrong? If what they are doing is so bad then why is their hair like 20 inches longer than mine when some started from a pixie cut? Her explaination is that most LHCF ladies probably aren't in the military and therefore can take care of their hair differently - but I KNOW I saw at least one Army sista in here . . .

I really hate to alienate yet another stylist considering I DO go into the salon for relaxer and trims and I hate getting the LOOK - the "What have you DONE?" look from stylists. But I've only been on LHCF since November and my hair has grown over an inch and I was formerly Queen of Breakage Land just listening to stylists.
I'm feeling like a kid whose parents said they can't watch their favorite TV show ever again. What do you ladies think? Anyone out there a professional stylist with words of wisdom? Anyone been in my spot before?

I am dittoing on the do what's best for your hair bandwagon.

My hair is picky--it has it's on membership number in the DIVA club. If you look at my hair funny my hair will break.

The final straw was with my second to last stylist. I was going to her every two weeks and relaxing every six weeks. She was trying to convince me that my hair was growing, but I am not blind, I could see my hair getting shorter and shorter (as my last stylist put it, it was growing out of my scalp, but the old hair was breaking off). I got so frustrated, I BC'd my hair.

In June, when I moved back home, I got my hair relaxed again. Again it broke off. This was the final straw. I joined LCHF, started a vitamin regimen, started a MN regimen, started doing my own relaxers, and my hair is thriving! I went from one inch hair in August (which is when I detected the lastest breakage) to hair that is currently about 2.5 inches from SL.

I was contemplating going back to a different stylist for relaxers. My mom--who never ever ever believed in putting chemicals in your own hair--asked me why would you do that. Your hair has never looked as healthy as it does now!

I think you have to start transitioning into doing your own hair. No one is going to care about your hair more than you do. The knowledge on this site has allowed me to completely take control of my own hair care. You can do this too!:yep::yep::yep:
I hear you but, TigerSong is here... if she wasn't interested in haircare... she wouldn't have lasted this long on LHCF! I have plenty of friends that want to know what I've been doing with my hair but, they completely loose interest when I tell them. TigerSong, please do what you feel is best for you!

This is true...

However, I didn't say she wasn't interested but I did say "B/c we can give TigerSong all the advice in the world and she still might not be able to take care of her hair. Some people just don't have the patience, skills or the desire to care for their hair I see it all the time" You could be interested but not necessarily of the will, desire (which goes back to the bolded section in your post), or patience to do all the things we recommend. Only TigerSong knows the answer. So although for me, cutting stylists out completely has worked, I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that home hair care is the be best way to go (not your main point but I thought I'd throw that in there lol)

Bottom line is how did your hair behave before LHCF? Did you see ENOUGH improvement after LHCF to feel like you should break free from your stylist?

Also, for beginners, it’s a tough decision to make and in some cases when we’re not really READY to take care of our own hair or struggling to make the decision to leave or stay with stylists, in the meanwhile we may actually be doing more harm than good to our hair. One could even argue that merely being embivalent about it is a signal that one might not be ready to move away from going to the salons.

Again, not saying this applies to TigerSong but these are the things I think about when I read about the salons vs. home hair care debate.
It is clear that your so well-hair-educated stylist doesn't know all she thinks she knows about hair.

Unfortunately, you cannot share hair care tips with most people. Folx are too judgemental and set in their ways.

Do what you do. It's your hair!

Happy Hair Growing!
From personal experience, I personally don't trust stylists though I believe there may be a few awesome ones out there. I think most stylists will not approve of LHCF, LOL. Seeing as how LHCF has helped me to become my own stylist and I don't have to pay myself a penny for my services, I can understand why they may not be so supportive. Trust your insticts, you are the one in charge of your haircare, and if your hairdresser wants to do anything you don't approve of--feel as free as she does to use the word "NO!"
The only reason why she was telling you these things becaue she wants to feel like your hair will get damaged without her. It's a money making thing. We all proved that she is wrong about all the things she said that were bad for black hair. Your the only one that really knows your hair!!!
She wants to make sure you only go to HER for hair services. You start doing your hair yourself and that's money OUT of her pocket. Continue to care for your hair and you should start looking for a stylist who is less concerned with the growth in her pocket and more concerned with the growth on your head.
Like you said, it is your hair. I am not getting your anxiety. You need to continue doing what you are doing and you don't have to run everything by her. It's your hair. If you only go for retouches and take care of your hair between salon visits, you'll be fine. That's what I do and I am sure a lot of women on here do the same. Do what you got to do and what's working for you...
Staying with a Bad Hairdresser who is shouting down your progress is like staying in a Bad Relationship with an Abuser!!!!!

Your success without him or her makes that hairdresser feel insecure!!!

I hope you continue to stay with us. Your stylist may miss the money you shelled out.:grin: I think it was classy the way you shut her up.:lachen:
I have not set foot in a salon in about 7 years and I don't plan on it again. My hair is just fine I'm not bald I do my own relaxers. I just can't put up with all that bs, spending all day in there, the cost, going in for a dusting and coming out with a cut. I refuse. You can take care of your own hair but they don't want to hear that. They only care that you are in that chair giving them your money. I say cut her loose. It's your head.