My hair will eventually get shorter, right?


Well-Known Member
Okay say I give this my all for the next couple of years and my hair grows faster than it normally would. Once I reach my goal length, if I decide to lay off of protective styles and vitamins and things like that, my hair will get eventually shorter, right? Because the hair that will be growing in will not grow to its full potential because I won't do be doing the same things, right? So, my question is, will I have to take vitamins and wear protective styles forever, even once I reach my goal so that I won't eventually lose length?!?!?!
I don't think that your hair will necessarily get shorter. Many of us found that our hair remained the same length before we discovered how to truly care for it. It was simply breaking as quickly as it grew. I do think that if you would like to continue to have "healthy" hair you will have to maintain many of the practices you are now doing - including protective styles. (Otherwise you can get into that nasty growth/breakage cycle.) Then you can use trims to maintain your goal length.
Lots of ladies here don't take alot a vitamins for hairgrowth. They simply take a multi. I think if you've invested years into growing your hair out, it becomes a lifestyle, not just something you do. Once you've been transformed
, you will not want to return to your wicked ways
, especially if your hair has really thrived.

Many of our members who have long flowing hair, have very simple regimes. It's about discovering what works for your hair. Some find that combo alot sooner than others. Its trial and error. But once you find it, it's like you've struck gold. Caring for your hair will be effortless and rewarding.

So to answer your question
, I don't think you would lose it all in the end. Just remember the few key major things your hair needs and apply that concept.
I think the advice given is very well said. I would add that these vitamins are good for the health of your whole body and there are many benefits for that. I don't mind taking vitamins for the rest of my life, as long as they benefit me. And I think it's good to know about the protective styles. You may not want to wear your long, beautiful mane out everyday and it's good to know some great updos and other protective styles to switch to now and then.

There is no reason in the world for your hair to get shorter unless you get your hair cut or do something very damaging.
I have wondered the same thing. I hope that after taking care of my hair it will be strong and healthy thus, not breaking off and causing me to go back to square one.

Is it bad that I already know that I don't want to choke down vitamins the rest of my life and that I want to wear my hair out for the rest of my life (It never kept my hair from growing, I am just trying to optimize).

Also the way I see it is not really that my hair will start breaking but it wont be getting optimal results and therefore lose length over years. Why am I even worrying about this? It would probably take years for me to lose enough length it would be noticeable. Well, who knows.