My Hair Update

Hey Pretty Brwon!

Somehow you posted your thread on the suggestion board. Hopefully one of the mods will chime in soon and move your post for you.

You are sure to get more answers on the hair board.
Excellent progress
I would just suggest that you continue doing whatever you did to grow your hair out of the short 'do. For me, a vitamin regimen and protective styles have really been helping me grow and maintain length. Good luck.
I use Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair every six weeks. I put Jojoba Oil on my ends everyday and roll it up. I relax every eight weeks. I take prenatal vitamins and drink lots of water, and I Wash 2x/week, and massage my scalp with Surge and Oil everynight. Using the Surge accelerrated my growth by an inch from December-January.
Wow @ your progress! You've retained A LOT of length! Where's that emoticon with the eyes popping? Here she is!
Girl you don't need to do anything different to what you're doing now. Stick with the program, it's simple and seems to be working for you.

Congrats on the growth and the Surge inch that you achieved. There are always points when it just seems the hair sits forever, and where you are now was the point for me, but it was definitely growing. You'll see the difference on the next or second touchup.

Keep taking your pics and you'll see the progress, even when you think it's all stagnant it's not.

Congratulations and Good Luck!!
Thanks for sharing your jouney your hair looks really healthy and very beautiful, with great lenght, keep up the great job