My Hair Smells Funny. Help!!!


New Member
I started using BT last week and am very excited about the growth possibilties. HOWEVER, after a week of applying the BT nightly to my scalp, the sulfur smell was getting to me. I was out at dinner with my mom one night and she made a comment about it. Now I'm paranoid that everyone can smell it. I've heard about scented BT but does that cut down on the sulfur smell or does it still smell like sulfur just with a nice scent on top of it? Also, does anyone have any poo or oil recommendations that knock out the sulfur smell? Thanks!
I was wondering if I was the only one who could detect the sulfur smell in BT. I have the scented one and the fragrance itself is very pleasant, but I can still smell sulfuric undertones :lachen:, especially if it's hot outside. Some ladies use peppermint oil to cut the smells of other strong-smelling products (like Wildgrowth Hair Oil). Since I don't have any peppermint oil, I've started using my BT only after I co-wash. The conditioner's scent helps mask the BT and the sulfur smell tends to fade a little as my hair dries. HTH!
Well, I guess I have nothing to contribute to help you with the smell sitch :look:, I'm just so surprised or maybe something is wrong with my nose. I usually can smell stank a mile away but I absolutely cannot smell the bt. I feel like I must be missing something here. Now there is no mistaking the smell of MTG but this stuff has not activated my stink receptors at all. My husband complained mightily when I used the MTG but he hasn't noticed the bt either.
Yeah I have noticed that when I turn my head I get a quick whiff of sulfur and when my hair sweats I can smell it a little. Using after a co-wash is a good idea and maybe I'll try the peppermint oil.
If it's hot outside and your head heats up, you (and those around you!) will smell the sulfur. That's just some sort of chemical reaction, I guess. :ohwell:

I haven't found anything that would cover up the smell to my liking yet, I'm still looking!
Thanks for the tips ladies!!! This morning I rubbed some cinnamon oil on my scalp and I didn't get any sulfur whiffs during the day!
Update ladies. So today my mom (yes I still live at home)complained about the smell of my hair once again. She even said it was starting to penetrate the smell of my clothes. So I guess I'll be doing mn from now on.
You have to wash often with that stuff! Ive been using it for almost 3 weeks now and if I don't wash my hair and scrub my scalp every 3 days at least, my head smells disgusting.

But it works!
Update ladies. So today my mom (yes I still live at home)complained about the smell of my hair once again. She even said it was starting to penetrate the smell of my clothes. So I guess I'll be doing mn from now on.

No offense, but mom dukes may be ODing, as moms tend to do, lol. My grandmother has similar comments about the smell of BT in my hair.

I have never smelled it in my clothes, as my hair doesn't even touch my clothes, lol.

What's MN?
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I would think she was overreacting if I couldn't smell the BT myself. Sometimes I get so damn paranoid when I get a whiff of it, especially when I'm in tight spaces with coworkers. MN is miconazole nitrate. It's a main ingredient in anti-fungal (and yeast infection) creams. I have the tube of pure miconazole nitrate cause I'm not buying some monistat and putting it on my head. A lot of people on the site have used it with success tho. Have you tried scented bt? I'm wondering if my problem is just that mine isn't scented. I really want to keep using because of the success others have had but I wash often and still smell it.
My BT is scented and I can still smell the sulfur :ohwell:. Like Amber Moon, I too have to wash or co-wash frequently to keep my hair from smelling.

I wonder why some of us can smell the sulfur in BT and others can't. Maybe our bottles have a higher sulfur-to-oil ratio?
Ya I also wonder if it's because I don't always shake it well before applying. I think my biggest problem is my hair is braided right now and since I'm haven't had braids in like 10 years, I might be having trouble with washing them properly. I really want to keep using though. I don't know if it's all mental but it feels like my hair is growing.
I would think she was overreacting if I couldn't smell the BT myself. Sometimes I get so damn paranoid when I get a whiff of it, especially when I'm in tight spaces with coworkers. MN is miconazole nitrate. It's a main ingredient in anti-fungal (and yeast infection) creams. I have the tube of pure miconazole nitrate cause I'm not buying some monistat and putting it on my head. A lot of people on the site have used it with success tho. Have you tried scented bt? I'm wondering if my problem is just that mine isn't scented. I really want to keep using because of the success others have had but I wash often and still smell it.

My BT is scented and I can still smell it. I just started washing my hair 2 times per week. This way, it shouldn't be too over powering. I only apply BT every other day because applying to daily would weigh my hair down.