My hair sheds like crazy when I wash. I think it's too elastic!


Well-Known Member
My hair sheds like crazy when I wash, and those shed hairs cause tangles in some areas. As I finger comb, I feel and see nothing but shed hairs coming out.

Do you all know what the heck is going on? I think my hair maybe too elastic, although, my hair doesn't appear any longer than its original length when wet. It almost feels too stretchy. Can overly elastic hair cause shedding?
I'm not sure if your hair can be too elastic. If it is stretchy and not springing back then I think it is lacking in elasticity. Have you tried a protein conditioner/treatment (followed by a moisturizing condish). I'm not an expert on elasticity or protien though. I hope someone can help you stop the shedding.
What kind of products are you using? When my hair begins to shed a lot its because it didn't like something i used/did.

I recently switched up stylists, and he used a different relaxer on my hair, and since then, I've noticed increased shedding. I am trying to get this back under control. Shedding can also be due to chemical overprocessing/overlapping during relaxers.

I would try a protein (or garlic) treatment and see if that doesn't help out a little.
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What kind of products are you using? When my hair begins to shed a lot its because it didn't like something i used/did.

I recently switched up stylists, and he used a different relaxer on my hair, and since then, I've noticed increased shedding. I am trying to get this back under control. Shedding can also be due to chemical overprocessing/overlapping during relaxers.

I would try a protein (or garlic) treatment and see if that doesn't help out a little.

Thank you! That's a good idea. I should buy a garlic conditioner. I think I've heard of this. You are not helping me with my pjism. :nono:

I don't understand. I haven't gotten many responses on my last three threads. :sad: I guess I got what I needed, though, but more responses would have been nice.

I'm not sure if your hair can be too elastic. If it is stretchy and not springing back then I think it is lacking in elasticity. Have you tried a protein conditioner/treatment (followed by a moisturizing condish). I'm not an expert on elasticity or protien though. I hope someone can help you stop the shedding.

I've done protein treatments, but nothing seems too work. I don't think it's too elastic anymore. I think it's just shedding. It's shedding worse than I've ever seen. I prefer this over the alternative, though. As my shedding increases, my breakage decreases. This makes me happy. I don't think my breakage has been this low in a looong time.

OT: Your hair is absolutely beautiful. Everytime I pass your fotki, you make me want to transition. :naughty: :whip:........jk
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Hoping you get more replies. Are you stretching right now? I know some ladies start shedding a lot if they stretch too long. I wish I could help you more. Maybe share a little more information about your relaxer, last time you relaxed, your regimen, etc. Also, did you use a new product recently that your hair might not like?
It could be seasonal shedding - I shed like a dog in the fall.....
It could be something new that you are using that your scalp doesn't like.....
It could be a mineral deficiency/health issue.....

I don't think that there are any tried and true answers to stop shedding - it's like autumn, it's gotta happen in order for new hairs to grow.....
I'm stretching and shedding like crazy too when I wash...

sorry I can't help! I need help with mine too!
I agree with what JustKiya said; it could be anything.

But a moisturizing reconstructor is what would help bring elasticity back to your hair; your hair can't be too elastic.

Years ago when I was shedding like crazy (from a waterfall ponytail that was too tight) I used BBD Stretch Growth Cream which is a heavy moisturizing reconstructor and the shedding stopped.
Really, my hair wasn't even "shedding", it was coming out in handfuls, so it was 100x worse than shedding.

You need heavy moisture to give you that bounce-back.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but women tend to shed alot around the time of their monthly cycle.

If protein doesn't work, maybe you should try an AVC rinse to restore porosity to your hair and scalp.
recently i had a huge increase in breakage and shedding. all i can say is the protein did more harm than good, don't do things your hair doesn't like (my set off was stretching for 18 weeks), and a LOT of moisture and a HOMEMADE garlic hot oil treatment did the trick, for me, (i didn't fell like paying 20.00 for Alter Ego when I could soak garlic in EVOO and make my own hot oil treatment) and the shampoo didn't do much the hot oil treatment did the trick.
recently i had a huge increase in breakage and shedding. all i can say is the protein did more harm than good, don't do things your hair doesn't like (my set off was stretching for 18 weeks), and a LOT of moisture and a HOMEMADE garlic hot oil treatment did the trick, for me, (i didn't fell like paying 20.00 for Alter Ego when I could soak garlic in EVOO and make my own hot oil treatment) and the shampoo didn't do much the hot oil treatment did the trick.

shorthairforever - I so hear you on the tangles.

I so feel you on this. I finger comb to detangle, co-wash and I see all this hair. I get out and do what I have to with it and I feel like my entire ponytail is going to be in my hand and it's shed hairs. (I exam for the white bulb to make sure.)

Can you share with me y our homemade garlic hot oil treatment? Ratios specifically and time allocation to the process. Thanks in advance!
I wonder if it is seasonal because my hair has been shedding like crazy. I have opted not to henna for awhile. I only use henna about every three months. I'm going to try to use more moisture also to see if that helps.
Black-strap Molasses for the breakage. What you have sounds like breakage not shedding. I'm not sure what to do for shedding yet because I am suffering too.
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Hoping you get more replies. Are you stretching right now? I know some ladies start shedding a lot if they stretch too long. I wish I could help you more. Maybe share a little more information about your relaxer, last time you relaxed, your regimen, etc. Also, did you use a new product recently that your hair might not like?

Thanks for bumping Hopeful! :giveheart:

I am stretching. That could possibly be it. It could also be seasonal. It could even be hormonal. I have also been using a new moisturizer(Elasta QP). :ohwell:

Well...I'm getting a relaxer this weekend, so that may stop some of the shedding, if it is realted to the stretching.
Thanks for bumping Hopeful! :giveheart:

I am stretching. That could possibly be it. It could also be seasonal. It could even be hormonal. I have also been using a new moisturizer(Elasta QP). :ohwell:

Well...I'm getting a relaxer this weekend, so that may stop some of the shedding, if it is realted to the stretching.

You're welcome:).
Black-strap Molasses for the breakage. What you have sounds like breakage not shedding. I'm not sure what to do for shedding yet because I am suffering too.

No, the the majority(roughly 85%...yes I count and analyze :lol:) of the hairs that come out has the white bulb at the end.

ETA: Unfortunately, the breakage is usually caused from tangles. If I detangle while rinsing out conditioner, I drastically reduce them. However, the hardest area to detangle is my upper nape area(lower crown I believe). That is where the tangles usually form. Luckily, they aren't many.

shorthairforever - I so hear you on the tangles.

I so feel you on this. I finger comb to detangle, co-wash and I see all this hair. I get out and do what I have to with it and I feel like my entire ponytail is going to be in my hand and it's shed hairs. (I exam for the white bulb to make sure.)

Can you share with me y our homemade garlic hot oil treatment? Ratios specifically and time allocation to the process. Thanks in advance!

I agree! Share with us please.
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