My Hair Seems to Like Safflower Oil


With Love & Silk
It only takes a small amount too, just enough to make my hands shiny. Then I "sprunch" it into my hair. (via instructions I found doing an internet search for "moisture retention")

Has anyone else used safflower oil on your hair?
I was using safflower oil for oil pulling, and then I decided to try it on my hair a few times. It seems to do a good job as a hair oil too.
I dont know if ya'll remember Sassygirl *my girl* but she used to say she loved sunflower butter, or safflower butter one or the other, she sent me a small container of it and it was nice! :yep:

awww I miss her! :cry:
I use safflower oil in my DT's occasionally with great results. A little goes a long way. I also find it to be a great tasting oil for oil pulling & have used it for stir-fry:grin:
I recently started using safflower oil, since then my hair has been so moisturized. I also incorporated it w/ Shikai shampoo & conditioner from the natural foods store, it has safflower oil in it and no protein in it. I have to be careful w/ protein on my hair for some reason it just sensative to protein. Shikai poo/cond and safflower oil makes our hair so moist and soft. It definitely is a keeper for me, I've noticed my hair has stopped the excessive shedding since using these. I use it as a pre-poo oil overnight and also to sometimes seal in my moisturizer.