My hair refuses to hold protein! Am I the only one?


Well-Known Member
It took me years, but I finally found a product that makes my hair soft and moisturized. Got some Porosity control because my hair is very porous. Got conditioner that my hair likes. Shoot, even my shampoo makes my hair moisturized.

But my hair is still breaking...alot.
I've been trimming my hair several times over the past month to get of split ends.

I do a strand test, and see that my hair needs protein (my strands stretch and stretch and refuse to snap.)

Ok, no problem. I do an egg treatment once a week. Nope, won't snap.
Ok, 2 eggs a week? No, snap.

Ok, something stronger, I tried the 2 minute aphoghee once a week. Nope, strands still stretching. Ok, twice a week. Still stretching.

Ok, I tried the aphoghee 2 step treatment, my strands are still stretching!! They won't snap.

At this rate, I have to use the aphoghee 2 minute treatment everyday to some of this breakage!! Is this normal?

I went to the doctors, they say I'm fine. I try upping my protein intake, taking protein shakes and eating a lot of meat/eggs, nuts, eat healthy, drink water exercise.

What's wrong with my hair? Why can't it hold protein? :wallbash:
Have you tried coconut oil? It helps the hair to retain protein and helps strengthen the protein bonds....I'd give it a try.
I know my hair's very healthy but whenever I stretch a strand between my fingers it stretches but it always snaps eventually. i don't think that's a sign that your hair needs more protein. Black is very fragile because of it's very nature. So adding more protein can end up doing your hair more harm than good. for example, excessive protein = dry, hard hair if not followed by moisturizing treatments.
Beans, coconut oil dries my hair out and makes it hard!

Cari, the thing is, my hair won't snap at all!! No matter how hard I pull it, it stretches and stretches until it's almost straight. With the products I'm using now Oyin, Nature's gate, and porosity control, my hair isn't dry anymore.

Just still very fragile despite trimming and protein treatments.

(I'm natural 4b/c by the way, very dense/with medium strands, spongy hair,don't color, or use extensions, or use heat (except for 2step)). I wear a scarf at night. Sometimes I protective style, sometimes I don't.
Is your hair natural? I'm not sure what type of "snap" you mean. Are you saying your curls won't pop back? Do you use heat? Heat can definitely damage your hair elasticity.
Also how frequently are you using the porosity control? I found that using that too frequently threw off my hair elasticity. My hair was mushy and it was shedding badly. I only use it every couple of months now.
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