My Hair pics and updates with new braid style


New Member

The last time i posted was in january when i was depressed about my hairloss and took a vacation to loosen up. my hair is about 10 inches natural but hair line still weird but recovering slowly.
i braided my hair mid january and just took them out this weekend. never again. it was matted with dirt even though i washed it every 2 days and sometimes everyday. i had to use methods to tear the hair away from the clumps.
i didnt even bother to check how much hair i lost because i didnt want to think about it. so this time i did the braids 5 times the size so that i dont have the microbraidish hairs to pull out like the last time.

let me know what you think. i have given up growth stuff after using essential oils etc because i think my hair is strong enough now. i still take alot of supplements though.