My Hair OCD! I'm obsessed


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here in Maryland and I have Hair OCD.

I have to comb, brush,touch, and oil my hair several times a day.
I purchase a hair product or vitamin supplement every other day.
Any new product with rave reviews I purchase it.

I have 2 stackable bins in my closet full of hair products and underneath my sink.

I grow my hair out, then have it chopped off and start over again.
Embarrassed, I joined this forum in hopes of learning new ways to maximize my hair growth for quicker results. My husband says I'm addicted and I have to agree.

Have you ever met anyone that goes out to dinner or movies and does their hair in the restroom before leaving restaurant or theatre?

Right now, I'm taking hair vitamins, gelatin tabs, amino acids, folic acid, B-complex and Alive multivitamin.

I use jamaican castor oil, grapeseed oil, EVOO, argan oil, deep conditioner every week.

I performed my first henna last night and noticed a dramatic improvement in thickness. Yeah!

I also read on the forum about drinking whey protein drinks everyday for growth.

I'm thinking about taking nioxin pills but hesitant at the thought of hair spurting out of every crevice. Knowing me, I will probably start anyway.

Currently, hair is about 2 inches past my shoulders. I am natural, wear hair in buns or press and style.

Always looking for hair help to grow faster, thicker, stronger!
Welcome! The best advice given to me and that I now pass on is learn what works for your hair and your hair's health, to include growth, will follow. I love trying new products, especially conditioners, but products didn't grow my hair, improved technique did. HTH!
My advice is: Find your staples. Protein DC, Moisturizing DC, leave-in, and oil to seal with, a good shampoo, cheapie conditioner for co-washing, and try to leave the heat alone:) You will need some other products to round out the collection, but not too many. I had a million products, and now I have brought it down a few notches for sure:)
Try not to jump on every bandwagon, because you won't be able to tell what products or supplements ARE working for your hair.
I think we all have gone through this phase though:) I swapped most of the things I didn't like with my friends. Here is an old pic of the
