My Hair Looks Best When it is ____ Weeks Post Relaxer...


New Member
Some people say that they don't like to wear their hair down soon after they get a relaxer because it feels limp and/or lifeless.

Some people like to wait until they get a smudge of newgrowth to pump up things.

When I get my next relaxer, I plan on waiting until I am 2 or 3 weeks post relaxer to wear it down. Usually by then my texture has reverted some and I can see how it really is. I have never worn my tex'd hair out after being 2 or 3 weeks, so I am fully looking forward to seeing the difference versus after being freshly relaxed.

So, how many weeks post relaxer does it take for your hair tend to look it's best (when it is down and straight)? Why?
I don't relax straight anymore so I love weeks 1-3 :-). Once the ng makes too much of an appearance I have to manipulate it a little more, but weeks 4-7 are still cool. 8 is when it gets tricky.
I'd say at the 3rd week when it's reverted a lil and my new growth starts to come in. I love the 3rd week. My hair always looks bomb down around then.:D
About the 3rd or 4th week. I hate my hair post-relaxer the first couple of wks because its all flat and looks like it has no body.:(
day 1 - to mid week 3... then it takes more to rollerset, but I'm bone straight so I love it fresh with a bouncy rollerset

*hair flip* :D
I LOVE my hair at 3 weeks post. Something about that week - things just click. Moisture, body, thickness! I love it.

4 weeks is good for me, too.
My hair looks its best 1-2 weeks post. I love the ease of styling my hair down day 1-7 after a relaxer. It does what I want it to do and makes me so happy. But when I get a little bit of NG and it's not so flat is my favorite. So I'd say my hair looks best 2 weeks post relaxer.
My hair looks much better 3-4 weeks post relaxer. I love my hair the day my stylist does my relaxer but after that I look forward to 3-4 weeks post.
MsDee4 said:
day 1 - to mid week 3... then it takes more to rollerset, but I'm bone straight so I love it fresh with a bouncy rollerset

*hair flip* :D

ITA!!! When its freshly relaxed I get the bestest easiest rollersets...then even after its been wrapped for a couple days it still has some nice body to it.
I like my hair for the first 2mos. I like straight, flowin hair so right after a relaxer I love!!! Anything after 2 my NG start lookin crazy and all I can do is rollersets to get semi straight hair.
couple of days after if I'm wearing it down. Thats only since I've been using phyto though. I'm actually pretty good the first 4 weeks or so...then the fuzzies start.

bablou00 said:
I like my hair for the first 2mos. I like straight, flowin hair so right after a relaxer I love!!! Anything after 2 my NG start lookin crazy and all I can do is rollersets to get semi straight hair.

Co-signing, I love the way may hair looks/feel the first 6-8 weeks after a touch up:)
My hair looks best 1-5 wks after a fresh relaxer, after that the newgrowth begin to make my hair too poofy.