My hair is still texlaxed!


I thought I fully relaxed w. CON, but my texlaxed hair is not going anywhere. I got the texture a lot straiter, so I'm not sorry at all. The best thing, I can do a wash and wear style and got so many compliments on it. My hair is now 10" and it continues growing strong, thank you for sending me to mtg and the stinky challenge. I will let u guys know about my progress and hopefully my hair growth will continue like it has. I'm going to try different styles and I hope it all goes well. :grin:
CurlyCrly said:
Were you natural, then your hair became VERY resistant? That's what happened to mine.

Same here...or maybe after being natural we just forgot how to properly do relaxers! :look: :lol:

J/k, seriously, I thought it was something unique with my weird actin' hair.
My hair was resistant before I was natural, but became more so afterwards. That's ok though. Reduces the chance of over-straightening, which is a plus IMO.
I think the same happened with me. It doesn't matter. My hair is getting healthier and longer. My regime is going strong. Now, I need to learn how to braid or twist and I'll be fine. Any braid or twist tips, guys?