My hair is so dry right now!!!!


Well-Known Member
I got a relaxer last week and decided to use Emergencee this week because my hair seemed so week aftwards. Now it feels stronger but it is so dry. I followed up with a lot of moisture after I used it but it's still dry. I'm not shedding much, just a few strands here and there so I'm not trippin' but what do I do about the moisture. I tried the mango butter but that seemed to add to the dryness. Any suggestions.
I'm going through EXACTLY the same thing right now...I haven't gotten my relaxer yet, but my hair was shedding so I used Keraphix with heat followed by a moisturizing hair feels like the Sahara right now. It's strong and I have no shedding, but it feels SOOOO DRY.
did you follow the emergence up with a moisturizing conditioner?

If not, maybe that would help.

I try to "moistuize" my hair while wet, afterwards (once it dries it's hard to add moisture) Almost everything I use just sits on my hair.

How do you style your hair. If you wear it pullecd back into a bun, maybe you can use something heavy to mositurize. Spritizing my hair with water and then using olive oil use to work pretty good for me.
my hair is short right now. But I don't have time to condition right now, so maybe I'll try some IC moisturizing serum. I did follow up with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner after using the Emergencee. Hmm....just so crazy right now. I love the fullness of my hair right now but it's sooooooo dry.
nychaelasymone said:
my hair is short right now. But I don't have time to condition right now, so maybe I'll try some IC moisturizing serum. I did follow up with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner after using the Emergencee. Hmm....just so crazy right now. I love the fullness of my hair right now but it's sooooooo dry.

I know emergencee has *new* instructions to 'poo and condish afterwards, but I still do my according to the *old* instructions and rinse emergencee out thorougly then saturate hair with humectress without 'pooing. I've been using for over 15 years this way and only about a year or so ago noticed they had changed the instructions, but I continue the old way 'cause I think less drying, plus, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm don't know WHY they added pooing afterwards . . .
well, I didn't know I could use the Humectress as a leave-in, so I actually put it on my dry hair mixed that with a little IC moisturizing serum last night and this morining, my hair is lovely!!! Now I have volume and shine. I did oil my scalp w/ my little concoction (Silk Elements root oil, combined w./ sulfur, rosemary, peppermint, and wonder 8) but I love how shiny & full my hair is right now.