My Hair is Shedding in Clumps


New Member
I have been a member of this board for a while and have been a lurker. Thanks to the posts and advice on this board, my hair has grown to shoulder length and even longer in the back. However, I need some serious advice from you guys. Last week, I got a re-touch from my normal stylist and she said "your hair is shedding and thinning real bad." About 3 weeks prior, I had some color placed in my hair. I had started using the curling iron and blow dryer more than usual because I like the way my hair looked "hanging down" and everyone complimented me on the growth and how young it made me look. Anyway, since I had the touch-up, my hair comes out in clumps when I even touch, comb or wash it. I did my deep conditioning with cholesterol and a few tablespoons of Aphogee, did a roller set and it still sheds. Yesterday I did the full Aphogee treatment and there is still shedding. When I ran my fingers through my hair to loosen the curls, there is a lot of shedding. I'm serious when I say clumps. It's so scary to see your hair in a big ball like that. I'm going to try a garlic deep conditioning, keep moisturing, keep using the Boundless Tresses (wonderful product that I have been using for a long while), continue my rollersets, increase my vitamin intake, etc. Do any of you have any other suggestions? I do take anti-depressant meds but I have been taking them for years and it they never caused my hair to shed. This has also been a very stressful year for me and I don't know if that is contributing to the large amount of shedding. I don't know what to do. Please help!!!
Sorry to hear about this problem. I would first ask my physician to see if any meds I am taking the side effect is hair loss. You are sure your hair is shedding? Shedding is long pieces of hair lost at the root (you should see a white bulb at the end of the hair tstrand) Breakage are short pieces of hair. Assuming it is shed approx 50-100hairs a day. Lord Knows I do! Being that I also shed the last few weeks I have been using Nutrene Unscented Garlic Shampoo and Nutriene Hot Oil Garlic Treatment. I bought it online at I must say I am noticing a difference. I have been using it twice a week. From what I learned there isn't much you can do about shedding it is normal. If your hair is breaking...amp up your deep conditioning or you might need more protien. Hope this helps.
is the hair actually coming out with a bulb attached or is it actual breakage, like pieces of the strand coming out?
I believe it is shedding. It is long pieces of hair and the stylist didn't see any breakage. She didn't do anything different (i.e. deep conditioning, treatment, nothing.) or offer any adivce. I'll look into the products you mentioned and check about side effects from my meds that I may have missed in the past. Thanks.
:yep: We need to know if it's shedding, or breakage. The fact that it started after you got color, and worsened when you got your touch up makes me suspect that it might be breakage, and if it is shedding, I suspect that your scalp is becoming allergic to whatever color you are using.

I'd suggest daily scalp massages (flip your head upside down, too, over the edge of the bed or something) and keeping your scalp as clean as possible for a while. The garlic should help - both internally and externally, and ramping down your stress/praying/meditating/etc will most likely help, too.

:bighug: I hope you figure this out.
I believe it is shedding. It is long pieces of hair and the stylist didn't see any breakage. She didn't do anything different (i.e. deep conditioning, treatment, nothing.) or offer any adivce. I'll look into the products you mentioned and check about side effects from my meds that I may have missed in the past. Thanks.

Long pieces /= shedding - it could just be breaking close to the root. You need to see bulbs on the end to be certain it's shedding. :yep:
OH sweetie, I totally understand your concern. I was there back in February, noticed my hair started coming out and June it was fully bald in that area.. Almost SAME STORY, seriously, got color, loved the way it looked, blow dried, flat ironed 2 or 3 times a week. I thought it was stress, but this was the only area that I experienced it. Pluse I noticed when I used heat on the color area, it was so stiff and dry, I hated to comb it. So I don't think it was stress. I will post a picture to show you what ended up happening.

I tried everything to stop but I guess it had to run its full coarse. Idk. What I have done since to remedy it, is, co-wash frequently, use indian oils & powders, daily castor/amla massages, deep conditioning w/ moisture and protein conditioners weekly, alternating between the two and sometimes doing both. This really helped thicken this area up but it still is in recovery.

Internal, I ate high protein, EGGS, Chicken, Tuna, and also too my multi-vitamins. I think the most important thing was massaging it to get the blood to circulating. HTH

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The last time and only time my hair came out like that I was sick and didnt know it yet, go to your doctor!!!!! have a full blood work panel done!
Did you try taking garlic supplements? It's suppose to help with shedding. I would try the supplements along with what Irresistible suggested.