My Hair is not Growing?


New Member
Alright. I know this is not really the “truth”:lol:, but I feel like my hair is not growing like everyone elses. I’m sure I’ve made mistakes along the way, but I am just frustrated and I wanted to vent. I’m off the soapbox now! I would have expected to be waistlength by now (I’ve been on the board since December ’04, and I’m only about brastrap—mostly in the back, armpit in the front). My hair is fine, so it never looks as good. Ugh! I just wanted to vent. Back to my positivity now, I just had a moment of weakness:lol:
Sometimes u gotta let out:lachen:. I know how you feel. don't give up, just see what mistakes you think you made and try again. you will be at waislength soon. i hope that helps.:yep:

Don't feel too bad.. I'm in the same boat. I started my hair journey in December 2003 and I'm not armpit/bra strap yet but it's not because my hair doesn't grow. I think when I first started, my hair was damaged, so maybe the first year, my hair was in the repair stage, after that, it went into the thickness stage and now it's in the thickness and growth phase. I guess it all depends on what condition your hair is in before you started your hair journey. Cheer up, if you continue doing good things for your hair, it will flourish. :yep:
Sometimes u gotta let out:lachen:. I know how you feel. don't give up, just see what mistakes you think you made and try again. you will be at waislength soon. i hope that helps.:yep:


Thank you. I feel better after reading this!
Don't feel too bad.. I'm in the same boat. I started my hair journey in December 2003 and I'm not armpit/bra strap yet but it's not because my hair doesn't grow. I think when I first started, my hair was damaged, so maybe the first year, my hair was in the repair stage, after that, it went into the thickness stage and now it's in the thickness and growth phase. I guess it all depends on what condition your hair is in before you started your hair journey. Cheer up, if you continue doing good things for your hair, it will flourish. :yep:

Thanks. I need to remember this. I still feel like my hair is thinner than it should be at this point, but I’m not sure why! I’ll keep pressing on!:)
My hair was LONGER this time last year.
Don't feel too bad.. I'm in the same boat. I started my hair journey in December 2003 and I'm not armpit/bra strap yet but it's not because my hair doesn't grow. I think when I first started, my hair was damaged, so maybe the first year, my hair was in the repair stage, after that, it went into the thickness stage and now it's in the thickness and growth phase. I guess it all depends on what condition your hair is in before you started your hair journey. Cheer up, if you continue doing good things for your hair, it will flourish. :yep:

My hair was the same way. The first year my hair was sooo damaged it needed this time to repair. Now I'm in the thicken up phase with some growth. :yep:
Don't feel too bad.. I'm in the same boat. I started my hair journey in December 2003 and I'm not armpit/bra strap yet but it's not because my hair doesn't grow. I think when I first started, my hair was damaged, so maybe the first year, my hair was in the repair stage, after that, it went into the thickness stage and now it's in the thickness and growth phase. I guess it all depends on what condition your hair is in before you started your hair journey. Cheer up, if you continue doing good things for your hair, it will flourish. :yep:

I totally agree (ITA)> It really does depend on what you are working with and what condition your hair was in...damaged, weak, shedding, over porous, desert dry etc. bonjour
Sometimes u gotta let out:lachen:. I know how you feel. don't give up, just see what mistakes you think you made and try again. you will be at waislength soon. i hope that helps.:yep:


Ummm, do you have a fotki cause I would like to see some more of your hair?:yep:

I totally agree (ITA)> It really does depend on what you are working with and what condition your hair was in...damaged, weak, shedding, over porous, desert dry etc. bonjour

I agree with this. I don't know how to get my hair in great condition, so it can flourish. I feel like no matter what I do, it stays dry and damaged!:wallbash:
I agree with this. I don't know how to get my hair in great condition, so it can flourish. I feel like no matter what I do, it stays dry and damaged!:wallbash:

I'm kind of new to the boards, but I've been here since 2002/3 lol. I should probably be the last one giving out advice right now because i had to hack off 4" of damaged hair due to extensions.

But, dry/damaged hair, what helped mine tremendously when I was caring for it, was deep conditioning with a steamer helps soooo much for dry hair.