My Hair Is Missing It's "BLING"


New Member
So I don't know what is going on with my hair, but it has been missing its ususal "bling" for about a good 2 months now. I've clarified several times (so I know it's not gunk in my hair) I always deep condition (now using Hairveda Sitrinilla conditoner) mixed with honey and go under the dryer for 20 min-1 hour (depending on how much time I have). Normal shampoo is usually ORS Aloe shampoo. I add Giovanni Direct leave in as well as some Herbal Essenses LTR Leave in (love the smell and slip). I always rollerset and then run a small amount of Vatika Frosting (from Hairveda) or Vatika Oil (the one from the Indian stores) through my hair to seal as well as add some shine. For some reason my hair just doesn't have that "bling" it used to no matter what. I was thinking maybe it's cause I clarified too much lately, but I only did that because my hair was missing shine to begin with and I thought that maybe the moisture wasn't reaching my hair because of residue and gunk. My hair used to have sheen and just look banging after I did this and now......NOTHING! It looks dry all the time! Just to add, I always moisterize in the morning with HE LTR Leave in and seal with more Vatika Oil or frosting- whichever my hand lands on first.

Things that might have changed my hair:
1.) Haven't used JBCOcastor in a while.
2.) I switch to Sitrinillah condish from Kercare Humecto (saw that it had mineral oil in it)
3.) I switch from Keracare moisture shampoo to ORS

Maybe that is it? But it's not like I'm using bad brands. Sigh. Any ideas ladies?
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I had the same issue and EVCO solved it.

I'm guessing that means Extra Virgi Coconut Oil? I do hae some, but then again Vatika Oil and frosting have that as their base, and they aren't helping much. They are great for softness, but I don't see the shine coming through.
Did you change relaxer? My hair had lost it "bling" for some months until I realized that I went from a lye to a no lye. I was using the same brand but didn't notice the difference in the lye. The no lye left my hair more coarse and dry. When I switched back to the lye recently, I got my shine back.
Did you change relaxer? My hair had lost it "bling" for some months until I realized that I went from a lye to a no lye. I was using the same brand but didn't notice the difference in the lye. The no lye left my hair more coarse and dry. When I switched back to the lye recently, I got my shine back.

Hmm... actuyally I did change relaxer this past time. Both were lye though. I went from ORS to Optimum Multi-mineral (only because my hair dresser didn't have ORS at the time.) But that was in early September when I had my last relaxer; however you may be on to something..........
Are you drinking enough water or gettign enough omega fatty acids in your diet or eat fish like salmon or tuna? Lack of these will make your hair look very dry. My hair is just like yours, it wont shine on its own at all and i believe its because of my diet.

Try taking flaxseed oil, one or two tablespoons a day. The hair you have right now wont get shiny, but the hair growing in will but it takes some time to see results, like three months or so. Flaxseed oil is given to animals in shows and contest to add sheen to their coat/fur.

for temporary shine, maybe try a rinse? some of them can leave your hair feeling dry though.

another possibility is that you may have hard water.

i love vatika frosting and i use it almost everyday but it does not give my hair shine. also my moisturizer did not give me shine(hydratherma naturals growth lotion) but i used jane carters nourish and shine today and my hair is so blingy lol.
so maybe its your moisturizer or oil. coconut oil gives great shine but for my hair vatika does not.