My Hair is Growing, but


Well-Known Member
my eyelashes and eyebrows are going.

Thank you all for your kind words and warm welcome.

It's been 7 weeks since my last chemotherapy session (and I feel great!). I cut off the few longer strands of hair that I had because they were so dry. I'm still not sure what my pre-chemo hair type was.

I started noticing growth about a week and a half ago. Since then there has been quite a bit of growth. I think my body is in a serious healing mode right now and that might account for this little growth spurt. I'm not sure what to expect. So far the strands are straight and lying flat against my head (like Mr. Spock on Star Trek).

I'm thinking about trying false eyelashes. Does anyone have experience with them? Are they difficult to apply? What's the learning curve?

And concerning eyebrows what works best: eyebrow pencil or the powder (Maybelline Ultra-Brow Brush on Color)?

I attended Look Good...Feel Better (beauty class for cancer patients) in May, but at that time everyone in the class had brows and lashes so the instructor didn't spend much time on those issues.

Thanks in advance for any info.
Congrats on feeling better! False eyelashes aren't hard to apply at all, just practice some. And as for your eyebrows, the powder will look a lot more natural.
CONGRATULATIONS over there! u are an seem like such a positive person!
sorry I dont know the answer but just wanted to say that!
i have tried them before and they had an applicator that was like a pink plastic wide tweezer. try not to use too much adhesive
Welcome and keep posting to tell us how everything goes!
I use fake eyelashes about 6-12 times a year when I compete (dancing). They aren't hard to apply once you get the hang of it. I would recommend buying the kind that have the adhesive strip on them already ... while you're learning. I usually apply mine from the outside of my eye going in... and they're a little too long for my eyes so I have to shorten the band a little. Then after you get the hang of that... buy the glue in the tube.You want to put just a little on at a time...and blow on it .. or let it dry a little so its sticky before you put the eyelashes on. If you have other questions feel free to PM. I hope I can help. also ... unless you want to wear eyeliner... you should try to get the kind that don't have the black band across the top. I think Sally BS has some nice ones that look a little more natural.

I like brow powder better than using a pencil. But be aware that as your face gets oily ... the powder will probably get darker. I don't know if this is a concern for you. My eyebrows are sparse, thanks to my Dad so I have to help them along. I don't even use brow powder... I use a brown eye shadow instead.

HTH... And Good luck with your treatment and healing!
You're a true inspiration!