My hair is getting too long for weaves??


Hair Coach
After my hair is braided I have to do too much overlapping of the braids. They sort of get in the way.

The first weave I did the braids from ear to ear. I had to wrap the completed braids over twice so they would tuck in neatly. This came out too bulky.
Pic below:

The second time I braided my hair from front to back. I attempted to fold the ends up next to the braids to conceal them but the ends go nearly to my hairline when I do so. I don't have a pic(I was too lazy to take one) but here is an example of the type of braids I put in. My hair is longer now than when this pic was taken.
Pic below:

I would love to continue to wear weaves but I need to figure out a way to conceal the braids without having to overlap them so much. The more I have to overlap the bulkier my hair looks.

Any suggestions??

A friend of mine (who has mid-back length hair) wears sew-ins all the time. Hers never looked bulky. Ill have to ask what she does or how she gets her hair braided to minimize bulk.
I would think cornrowing like you did in the second pic would work best, but taking the excess hair back up in the parts and pinning them there. I hope I am describing that right so you understand what I mean.
I had the same problem last time I did a sew-in. It took me forever to overlap the extra length, and it was really bulky. The only suggestion I have is some type of continuous pattern, like a circle, or some type of ziz zag, which unfortunately I can't do.
Most people I know with really long hair use vertical braids (similar to pic #2). But I also have seen a horizontal pattern where it is all connected that would work well for long hair. I will try and find a pic but basically what you would do is start at the front and make a braid across the top of your head ear to ear. When u get to the end then just start going back the other direction w/the next braid withour ending the 1st one. You keep doing this all the way from front to back. So you will end up with one big "S" pattern braid with long tail at the back can just sew down. I guess you could do the same thing vertically but it would be impossible to do it yourself that way. Im not sure if that made sense. Hopefully I can find a pic :D
DSD- Can you braid in a circle? That is what my weaver does and then she only have one braid at the end to sew up and out of the way. I personally get horrible results with vertical but my African braider can do it with really small braids (like 15 ) and braiding in a L shape. As in braid own towards the nape and then across the nape. The the left over braided hair is sewn down wherever it can fit. This takes her 2 hours. But I do think the circle is faster and easier to remove when you are done with the weave.
:) Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you are intersted in a better braiding method, but I just wanted to congradulate you on ur growth! :D

Chivara said:
I had the same problem last time I did a sew-in. It took me forever to overlap the extra length, and it was really bulky. The only suggestion I have is some type of continuous pattern, like a circle, or some type of ziz zag, which unfortunately I can't do.
Thanks. I can practice the circle on my dummy head.

asphyxxia said:
My hair isnt as long as yours but i think i have found a way which eliminates the various lumps and overlapping. it involves braiding the back in a circle, and cornrowing the front going back. hard to explain, but the pics are here:
hope this helps.
Thank you. Those pics are sooooooo helpful. I will try the circle next time I do my weave. I may even take this one down early so I can try it!!
carmend said:
Most people I know with really long hair use vertical braids (similar to pic #2). But I also have seen a horizontal pattern where it is all connected that would work well for long hair. I will try and find a pic but basically what you would do is start at the front and make a braid across the top of your head ear to ear. When u get to the end then just start going back the other direction w/the next braid withour ending the 1st one. You keep doing this all the way from front to back. So you will end up with one big "S" pattern braid with long tail at the back can just sew down. I guess you could do the same thing vertically but it would be impossible to do it yourself that way. Im not sure if that made sense. Hopefully I can find a pic :D
Thanks. I would love to see the pic. I think I get it though.
cutebajangirl said:
DSD- Can you braid in a circle? That is what my weaver does and then she only have one braid at the end to sew up and out of the way. I personally get horrible results with vertical but my African braider can do it with really small braids (like 15 ) and braiding in a L shape. As in braid own towards the nape and then across the nape. The the left over braided hair is sewn down wherever it can fit. This takes her 2 hours. But I do think the circle is faster and easier to remove when you are done with the weave.
Wow, another option. I would have never thought to braid this way. Immo have to practice this one too. Thanks!
Here's another braid pattern that you can use. I don't have actual pictures but I have drawings that I created for a friend a while ago. I basically braid the sides going horizontally so that I can do a french braid with them. I braid the top back, in straight vertical lines. All the hair ends meet up in 1 direction and I do a secure french braid going all the way back. I tuck the extra hair in and secure it with needle and thread. Right now my hair is about 2-3 inches past shoulders and I still get excellent results with this - NO BULK what's so ever and the sides are extra flat.

I'm attaching the images. Oh, you can also sew a great close in your hair if you follow the guidelines in the pic. Basically when you're working with the top, sew the hair alongside the braids. However, when you get ot the two center braids, sew 2 tracks of hair BETWEEN two cornrows. Think of how a hotdog sits between a bun, that's how the hair will bit between the two cornrows. Then secure the hair by sewing the two cornrows TOGETHER with the hair in between. You'll end up going in one cornrow, through the tracks and, out the other cornrow. You'll come back in the opposite direction.

I meant to send these directions to someone else on the board. I hope you're reading this!! I'll also send you a PM as well. Hope this helps and sorry for the delay :)


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SweetNic_JA said:
Here's another braid pattern that you can use. I don't have actual pictures but I have drawings that I created for a friend a while ago. I basically braid the sides going horizontally so that I can do a french braid with them. I braid the top back, in straight vertical lines. All the hair ends meet up in 1 direction and I do a secure french braid going all the way back. I tuck the extra hair in and secure it with needle and thread. Right now my hair is about 2-3 inches past shoulders and I still get excellent results with this - NO BULK what's so ever and the sides are extra flat.

I'm attaching the images. Oh, you can also sew a great close in your hair if you follow the guidelines in the pic. Basically when you're working with the top, sew the hair alongside the braids. However, when you get ot the two center braids, sew 2 tracks of hair BETWEEN two cornrows. Think of how a hotdog sits between a bun, that's how the hair will bit between the two cornrows. Then secure the hair by sewing the two cornrows TOGETHER with the hair in between. You'll end up going in one cornrow, through the tracks and, out the other cornrow. You'll come back in the opposite direction.

I meant to send these directions to someone else on the board. I hope you're reading this!! I'll also send you a PM as well. Hope this helps and sorry for the delay :)
OK. I get it. This way of braiding is really interesting. Another one for me to pratice. Thanks.
SweetNic_JA said:
Here's another braid pattern that you can use. I don't have actual pictures but I have drawings that I created for a friend a while ago. I basically braid the sides going horizontally so that I can do a french braid with them. I braid the top back, in straight vertical lines. All the hair ends meet up in 1 direction and I do a secure french braid going all the way back. I tuck the extra hair in and secure it with needle and thread. Right now my hair is about 2-3 inches past shoulders and I still get excellent results with this - NO BULK what's so ever and the sides are extra flat.

I'm attaching the images. Oh, you can also sew a great close in your hair if you follow the guidelines in the pic. Basically when you're working with the top, sew the hair alongside the braids. However, when you get ot the two center braids, sew 2 tracks of hair BETWEEN two cornrows. Think of how a hotdog sits between a bun, that's how the hair will bit between the two cornrows. Then secure the hair by sewing the two cornrows TOGETHER with the hair in between. You'll end up going in one cornrow, through the tracks and, out the other cornrow. You'll come back in the opposite direction.

I meant to send these directions to someone else on the board. I hope you're reading this!! I'll also send you a PM as well. Hope this helps and sorry for the delay :)

Neat! I may have to try this one day.
dontspeakdefeat said: go girlie!! I just assumed it was done at the salon! It would be comedy central up in here if I tried to do a weave in my own head. I could probably sew one in for someone else, but I can't braid that well, and I'm not fond of pricking myself in the head.
sorry it took so long but here are the pics of the braiding pattern i think is optimal if ur hair is really long. this way u only end up with one braid to sew down. and u can sew it back along itself across the back and then up the head and into one of the parts. it gives u alot of room to work with. the only problem is it will take quite a long time to braid if u are doing on yourself :mad:

these pics are a lil sloppy b/c i was just trying to get the point across. if i were doing for real the braids would be smaller and neater (is this a word?) :p



for the weave i have in right now my hair is braided just like the pics carmend showed and my hair is a little longer than armpit length
My stylist braids my hair straight back or parted down the middle. When she finishes I braid, she take that end of that braid and connect or braids into the next braid. When she is all done, it is one continous braid. I would not recommend braiding in a circle, the braids will make you look like you have a cone head.