My Hair is Getting Thicker!


New Member
Hello Ladies,

My husband just told me that he's noticed that my hair is getting thicker. As one who has had thin hair all of her life, hearing this really makes my day. I thought it was poofier in the middle, but I thought that it may just be in my head. Now that my husband has confirmed it, I'm happy to say that something's working. I've been taking biotin lately, and although my hair has been shedding, it still feels thick. I guess it's working.

Thank you Jesus! :look:
Congratulations!! I am going to be starting biotin soon. Which brand do you take?
Mom23 said:
Congratulations!! I am going to be starting biotin soon. Which brand do you take?

Spring Valley, which is a brand that is sold at Wal-Mart.

Thanks, Isis. March87, that sounds really good...the thick-haired club.
I take a 5mg Biotin capsule for my hair and it is definitely getting thicker. This is an answered prayer for me!
DSylla said:
Congrats :)

Another user is taking biotin for growth. I may have to look into this :)

if your hair gets any thicker we wont be able to find you
I can't wait until I'm your length
I want a thick pony
Thanks ladies! The only drawback is that it's difficult keep the middle down when I have it in a low pony, but I'm not complaining.