My hair is doing this upside down V Thing... (pic)


Well-Known Member
I cut the my hair to get it even (shown in my on my profile pic). and it grew out like this.......
Im not cutting it again. im going to let it grow out the way it wants to.


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My hair grows in a W shape. It doesn't help that I was bunning in the same spot. I have started doing my bun in different positions and watching the amount of tension, and that has helped considerably.

IMHO, you should let it grow and see what it does. Your ends look really healthy, and I think that's the most important thing.
Yes, your ends look healthy to me so I wouldn't cut.

When I was younger, my left side always grew longer than my right, but once I started my haircare journey and really started letting it grow, it pretty much caught up and grows pretty evenly now.
Do you put your hair in a bun every day? It could be that you need to change the position of the bun because its causing your hair to break in that area. I do a high bun one day, low the other, a sideways ponytail, etc.. just to give that area a break.

I'm kind of noticing the same thing and I think it may be from cross-wrapping. So I'm rolling my hair up with two flexi rods at night now.

Do you cross-wrap or do anything else where you part your hair down the middle in the back?
My hair is growing the same way, and I was wondering what to do about it. I am currently in the Hide Your Hair Challenge, so I am keeping it in protected styles for 6 months. As I transition from one style to the next I think I'll do some trimming. I don't want to get to a length that I love only to find that the very back of my hair hasn't caught up. I would rather do mini trims now then have to do a major cut later.

The back of my hair has always grown more slowly than the rest, and I am trying to be patient. The protective styling should make this slow growing phase less painful, but it's still frustrating to gain obvious length in some areas and slow growth in others.


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