My hair is coming out from the roots,what do I do!


New Member
My hair has just recently starting shedding from the roots. And I dont mean breakage, I mean long strands of hair with the white bulbs on the ends....and its not just single strands at a time either. I dont know what to do. can someone tell me what to use or do! Thank you.
Have you been puttin your hair up for long periods of time and then taking them down? If so this may be normal shedding that hasn't fallen out yet.
Re: My hair is coming out from the roots,what do I

Hi babyblue113,

Maybe your hair is simply going through a shedding phase, however I have used Nutrine garlic shampoo in the past with great results. I also use the conditioner. The shampoo comes in both scented and unscented. Cost about $3.00 each. The shampoo causes my hair to dry out so I use a moisturizing conditioner after.

Hey BabyBlue
This EXACT thing happened to me a few months back(Hair shedding with the bulb attached in long strands). My shedding was massive and it had to do with me cutting meat out of my diet and not supplementing my protein intake properly. I had stopped eating meat in November but the effects of me not supplementing properly(by eating legumes,tofu etc) showed up about 4 months later. I looked up info and they said that this is the body's response to not getting protein, it starts getting rid of things that require LOTS of it (example=hair). I started taking 100mg of B6 daily to stop the shedding in it's tracks and started eating ALOT of protein fast
after a week i calmed down and started eating the normal amount. The abnormal shedding went away within a week. Anyway, i thought i'd just tell ya in case this may be your situation
-- jainygirl
How's your diet? water intake? protein intake? Are you taking ANY form of medication INCLUDING over the counter things like Tylenol? Are you under stress? Have you added or subtracted anything to/from your usual hair routine?
Hi jainygirl:

Thanks for your response. I stopped eating meat years ago and I think I have a pretty good intake of protein. I am considering taking the b6 vitamin you suggested, I want this shedding to stop!

I started taking birth control pills for about a month, I finished my pack about a couple of weeks ago but I never went back for a refill, do you think that is the culprit.

I was having these bad headaches last week so I was taking Tylenol. As for my water intake it has been really low in the past few weeks, for some reason I just had not been craving water like I used to. But that seems to be over with and I have been drinking more water this week.
Oh and as for adding anything to my routine, I started using carols daughter healthy hair butter, fruit of the earth aloe vera gel, and pantene smooth and sleek as a leave in conditioner
Baby Blue

I'm with you. I'mm usually pulling out a whole bunch of hair from the ends. This has happening for the about 8-12 weeks. I don't know what to do. I am on the no-poo method, so I don't really eant to buy the nutrine garlic shampoo but a sista's tired of losing her hair.
i have been having the same thing happen to me...him i will get more protein supplements hopefully that will help I juust dont know what is normal shedding and what isnt...
I'd been experiencing this a ton after my last touch-up in early May.

I just got a cut and have noticed that breakage is tremendously down compared to before. I will wash my hair tonight and see what happens as far as hair coming out from the root.
I think its the birth control. It usually takes a few weeks for the body to realize the hormonal balance it was maintaining isnt the same anymore. When I was on BC pills, my weight gain always took about a month or two to begin coming off, my skin started to act up in about a month.

In your case, your hair could be the thing that's affected when you add (and take away) hormones. Mine were weight and skin.
Tracy said:
I think its the birth control. It usually takes a few weeks for the body to realize the hormonal balance it was maintaining isnt the same anymore. When I was on BC pills, my weight gain always took about a month or two to begin coming off, my skin started to act up in about a month.

In your case, your hair could be the thing that's affected when you add (and take away) hormones. Mine were weight and skin.

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I agree, when I was on BC my hair started shedding by the hand full
when I stopped the shedding stopped too
**sigh** I wonder if my BC has anything to do with my shedding now....I thought it was from my last salon perm, but then again Im on my second pack of pills. BC is a must for fiance and I are no position for any suprises! is there any way to counter those side effects if they are causing shedding?

I have put on some weight, but I didnt even think the bc pills might be the reason. My skin was completely clear while on bc pills and now im noticing some breakouts. I think its the bc pills too.
babyblue113 said:

I started taking birth control pills for about a month, I finished my pack about a couple of weeks ago but I never went back for a refill, do you think that is the culprit.

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We have a winner!
I definitely think this could have something to do with your shedding. My hair shed like crazy after I stopped BCP. I was freaked out, but my doc told me it was normal and would work itself out. And it has!
babyblue113 said:

I have put on some weight, but I didnt even think the bc pills might be the reason. My skin was completely clear while on bc pills and now im noticing some breakouts. I think its the bc pills too.

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Same here. My skin is going crazy!
Last year, someone on this Board (can't remember who) was experiencing a significant amount of shedding. Someone suggested for a remedy the Motions CPR (Critical Protection & Repair) Hairdressing with tea tree oil. She used it and reported back that the shedding was immediately stopped. I used it for my own shedding and got the same result. The Motions CPR stopped the shedding in its tracks.

Also, I went on vacation without my Surge 14 Plus and I had a lot of shedding. When I got back, I sprayed my hands with the Surge and worked it through my hair. Shedding immediately stopped. Afterward, I realized my hair was protein deficient and it was just a matter of treating my hair with protein conditioners such as Aubrey's GPB. However, I was careful to Not Overdo the protein infusion.
as soon as i ran out of b-complex pills, my hair started shedding, I felt like a molting pigeon
I have heard rumors that BC pills deplete B vitamins from the body and that's exactly whats happening to me now. I'm going to walgreens and get my supplements
babyblue113 said:

I have put on some weight, but I didnt even think the bc pills might be the reason. My skin was completely clear while on bc pills and now im noticing some breakouts. I think its the bc pills too.

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Thats exactly what my skin did.....

I gained about 2O pounds on the pill and the patch combined.

Good Luck.

For the poster that asked about counteracting it, my understanding from my doctor is there is nothing that can be done. Thats why I came off of them....

Hormones are NO JOKE yall....
I have been experiencing the same thing. I think that mine is due to the fact that I don't consume any red meat and so I don't get a lot of protein in my body. I was drinking protein shakes at one point, but I've slacked off from doing that.

Is there a such thing as a protein pill? If so, let me know and where I can buy it. I have gotten pretty good with taking my vitamins daily, but really don't have time to mix up a shake every morning.
You can take amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and protein will "make itself" in the body....

Try doing a search on amino acids (I don't take them) and you should find lots of'll have t change the date range to pull up anything in the last 2 yeas or so, but I remember extensive talks about amino acids at some point on the board.